Saturday, April 30, 2011

Down on the Farm ~

Thursday evening was our monthly hooking down on the farm ~ That'll Do Farm.  Andrea is always the hostess with the mostess!  She is making great progress on her sheep rug.  She is hooking this in a 6 cut and the rug is B-I-G!

Melissa is very close to finishing her Karen Kahle rug.  That's Andrea hiding in the background, but don't tell her she's back there.

 Here's Heidi hard at work . . .

. . . oh her piggy.

Jane was working on some little applique sachets that she is going to fill with lavender.

I was working on my proddy sheep rug.  Hopefully I will get a little more hooked this weekend and share it with you soon.
This is P.  Just plain ole P.  She belongs to the daughter of That'll Do's Farmer Gal Marilyn.  She is 12 or 13 years old, a pug / pekingese mix.  She is just the cutest little thing!

Here's one of the other farm dogs, a sweetheart named Grady.  She is so well behaved!!!  There are more farm dogs.  Hopefully next time I will get them on "film".

The weather here on Ohio's north coast has improved somewhat ~ at least enough to get a bit of yard work done.  We've made it all the way to 58 degrees and it is not raining.  Woo hoo!  I am so far behind so I'd better get off this darned machine and get busy.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Love the rugs (and puppy mugs!!) - but, dang, I was hoping to see more of your proddy sheep Lauren....Not fair! ;o) Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  2. Looks like fun. What cute little doggies. P is a sweetie!

  3. Very nice rugs. That sheep is an amazing work! Thanks so much for my lovely PIF gifts. I was blown over. I wore my necklace to the hook-in today! ;-)

  4. Lauren, I'm so glad that you are getting some nice spring weather finally. Let's hope it will last. We've had two nice warm days here but I worked inside instead of weeding but it can't be help. It's getting windy out there. I just heard the wind howling.

    Great photos of the your hooking at the farm and of the P dog and Grady and that other dog behind bars, lol. Have a great weekend. JB

  5. Love that sheep rug! Who's pattern is it?

  6. The sheep rug is Sheep in Sunflowers from Woodcrest Rug Designs (

    Thanks for coming out to the farm Lauren. As always, I had a great time. I am, however, going to buy you an editing tool so you can remove bad pictures! See you soon.

  7. Lauren, Looks like a fun time! Love all the doggie pics too! That border collie looks super sweet, but disappointed that she's behind a gate....I think she wanted to join in on the fun.

  8. Great pic's Lauren! Love the rugs and the sachet applique's. Looked like a fun time :)
    sweet dog pictures. Looking forward to seeing your proddy.

  9. Looks like you gals had as much fun as the group of my friends had here a week ago. Nothing better than good friends, good food, good wine, hooking and laughter.

    Lauren ~ I saw the gifts you gave Courtney and am sure she was thrilled. Loved that neclace!

  10. I adore the sheep dh was raised on a sheep farm. Thanks for your kind words and prayers, we are in much need for them. Dianntha

  11. Hi there Lauren,
    I never tire of visiting your blog. Always something fun and interesting.
    Your group has such wonderful rugs they are working on...wishing I lived closer!


  12. I love all the rugs!!! That little doggee is so cute. Cheri


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