Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In My Garden ~

I think my gardens
are the most beautiful in the spring.
These were all taken today.

I didn't realize
tulips close up in the evening.

I should have taken a picture of this tulip bed
at the Metropark on the shores of Lake Erie
a few days ago.
The petals were beginning to fall.

Oh, the simple pleasures
of a young boy . . .
blowing bubbles . . .

. . . and watching them float
on the water.

Today was a perfect day weather-wise
in northern Ohio.
How I love spring!
* * * * *
Thank you for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I just love all these garden tours we're getting on the blogs this week. Your flowers are stunning! And of course, a certain red-headed boy, extra cute! We were cold, cold, cold here today, but later the sun started to peek out and it seemed to warm up.

  2. Looks beautiful!I love the bleeding hearts!

  3. Oh your flowers are so pretty... My mom had all of those in her gardens when I was growing up...those pictures bring back wonderful memories!

  4. Gorgeous flowers, Lauren! Your garden blooms are truly beautiful. But I love the bubble picture - what a precious memory treasure that will be some day! Smiles ~ Robin

  5. Wow Lauren,
    Your gardens are breathtaking! I just got my new computer monitor today and the images are really sharp and lifelike! Your little Jake looks like he's got Spring fever big time!
    Cathy G

  6. I have tried to grow Bleeding Heart all over my yard for the past 30+ years. My Mom always had one --no luck for me though until this is finally in a spot it likes...they are so pretty. I love all of your pictures; the gardens are lovely!


  7. Your flowers are beautiful!! I do miss those spring blooms, though most cactus bloom here in the spring, it's not the same!

  8. Your garden is looking beautiful! I just love bleeding hearts and tulips....just wish they lasted longer!

  9. Love your gardens. Looks like a fun day!

  10. Hi Lauren, your spring flowers are gorgeous. I'm hoping for nicer weather. This spring has been so cold and wet except for a few nice days.

    I love the picture of you young man blowing bubbles. This brings memories of blowing bubbles with my grand kids. Yes I blew bubbles with all six of them and now when my new little grandson is old enough I hope to blow bubbles with him too.

    I had problems with Blogger this morning, I couldn't sent comments. I was up in the wee hours of the morning because I couldn't sleep with carpel tunnel and thought that I could get caught up on my blogger friends. I've decided that my body needs a rest so I'm taking the day off from extra work and will only do what is absolutely necessary.

    I haven't been around Blogger much lately because of extra work at home and the farm. I still love reading your blog and see what is going on in your life. JB

  11. JUST BEAUTIFUL LAUREN...Spring is the only time I have any flowers or color in my gardens.
    We have mostly shade.

    Yours are so beautiful.
    Love the blowing bubbles picture!

  12. Your garden looks absolutely beautiful!! I wish that ours looked like that. We don't live that far apart but there is sure a difference in what flowers are blooming around here. So pretty. It must make you smile to look out at it during the day.

  13. Lauren....I so enjoyed seeing pictures of your Spring garden. When Winter finally leaves Ohio we sure are happy!

  14. Beautiful Lauren! I think my yard is prettiest in the spring too - just wish I could get Bleeding Hearts to grow like yours!

  15. Hi Lauren , I love the flowers. Oh what a beautiful time of year.Cheri

  16. Awesome gardens you all the vibrant colors. Jake looks like he knows how to have fun!

  17. Spectacular garden, Lauren. Almost makes me want to plant one - but no. Love the bleeding hearts. I look forward to seeing you at the hook in on Saturday.

  18. Beautiful flowers Lauren!!

    The simple joys of youth~precious.

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  19. Lauren, I had left a comment on this post but I think that Blogger hickuped and if got lost. I think that your garden is stunning. I love spring flowers too. I think that your grandson is so cute blowing bubbles, It reminded me of blowing bubbles with my grandkids, all 6 of them and I look forward now to blow bubbles with my newest grandson when he's old enough. JB

  20. Beautiful flowers Lauren. I agree I love my gardens best in Spring esp early Spring. We had hard rains last night and was so sad to see most of my peonies ripped of there beautiful red blooms. I wish all these beautiful flowers lasted longer.
    Loving that rug you just finished too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)