Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Mumblings ~

Saturday my favorite soccer player had his first game of the season.  He was so excited that he scored two goals.  They don't keep score, but he was so proud that his team "won".  

My son and grandson.

Sunday we headed south to spend Mother's Day with my older brother Bill and his DSO Lyn.  My brother made the most yummy, fall off the bone ribs!  He lives on five acres and he took Jake and the dogs for a ride down to the river.  That's Zoey on the left and Trina on the right, both rescue dogs.  Trina was adopted about a month ago and has fit right in!

Jake ready to put the pedal to the metal!

Yesterday I picked my first lilacs of the season.  They smell heavenly!

Near the river bottom at my brother's, many wild flowers grow.  Brother Bill says these are wild sweet William.

My younger son J (Jake's dad) makes jewelry as a hobby.  For Mother's Day, he gave me these earrings.  They are aquamarine stones (my birth stone) that he set in to earrings.  I will treasure them always!

I've made some progress on my proddy sheep rug and started binding my Maggie B rug.  This weekend I'm off to a hook in and will take many pictures to share.
Thank you so much for stopping!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful mother's day weekend for you Lauren! Great photos!!! Love those earrings your son made...Gee, that's my birthstone too - so, if you ever tire of them, I'll get you my address right off! (PS - Love the little goodies you sent Kim - you should sell those wonderful necklaces you make! Jewelry making must run in the genes!!) Have a great week! Smiles ~ Robin

  2. What a wonderful day you had! That Jake is such a cutie pie, I love his toothless smile!!

  3. Sounds like the men in your life made your Mother's Day a special treat. The earrings are lovely! You have a talented son.

    I love the smell of lilacs. We don't have any because in our area of dampness and high humidity they get powdery mildew.
    I'll just have to enjoy yours! Thanks for the picture.

  4. Beautiful earrings! Looks to have been a very Happy Mother's Day for you! I love the scent of lilacs.... mmmmmm!

  5. Well, we do live similar lives, around kids and dogs. My son plays baseball. He thinks he is the best one on the team because his player number is "1" I haven't the heart to tell him any different!

  6. Jake looks like he has grown a foot since his last picture. and his toothy grin goes right to your heart. He is so cute! Love the earrings
    they are beautiful. Your brother's dogs look so happy, they have a good home. our lilacs are just leafing out. when I was first married a million years ago and we bought our first house my husband's old aunt lived across the street she would bring me big bunches of lilacs every spring. until the day she died. I can't look at a lilac and no think of her. So glad you had a wonderful mothers day.

  7. That little red-headed boy takes such pleasure in everything he does!! I love that little face!! I'll see you at the hook-in!!! Are you bringing your sheep?

  8. Love that red hair! See you at the hook-in on Saturday.

  9. Your boys...big and little...are darling! I love your earrings...very special! I had a good Mom's day too!

  10. What a great mother's day.
    Jake seems to be a great little soccer and you can tell how much he loves his daddy. Jake looked like he was ready for Nascar in that picture.
    Love all the flowers, and how great to have a brother that makes jewelry. Great post.

  11. Jake looks so proud!! Do you know that Lili's dad Jay, has the same color hair as Jake?? YUP! And aquamarine is my birthstone too - what a gorgeous gift from your son!!

    Lilacs are one of my favs too but ours are late.

    Have fun at the hook in! SOMEDAY I will be a hooker - it's on my bucket list!!

    Hugs, Linda

  12. Finally catching up with your blog. Wow, I love those earrings. It so special that your son made those especially for you. Your grandson is adorable and it looks like his dad is his hero. JB

  13. Jake has the cutest grin :) Love the wonderful earrings and what a treasure that your son made for you!!!

  14. I thought I commented . I just wanted to say what pretty lilacs.I sure wish we could grow them here.Jake looks like he is having fun. Cheri


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