Friday, May 20, 2011

Going for Gold ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ line in the border, that is.  First of all I want to once again thank everyone for all the suggestions and kind compliments on my rug.  Today's comments were unanimous.  Everyone agreed that the gold line was just what the border needed.  I hope to find time to get this rug done soon.  I am blessed to have a Monday to Friday job, but tomorrow is one Saturday I must work.  Also, we are actually having weather conducive to doing yard work, so that, too, will cut in to my hooking time.  There are just not enough hours in the day, are there?
* * * * * * * *
If all goes as planned, this sweetie will be my new foster baby.  She is seven, though that gray mug makes her look older.  She is an owner surrender.  So sad.  I'll update you as soon as I have more information.

Thank you so much for dropping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. She looks like a sweetie! Just had to give my two tranquilizers for a storm that is supposed to last all night....I'll (they'll) be glad when the rainy season is over!

  2. Lauren,
    She sure looks like a sweetie! Doing lots of garden work here too so I'm not blogging as much!
    Your rug looks great...... You are doing good to be so close to finishing!
    Cathy G

  3. Ahh she does look like a sweetie - "an owner surrender" - i don't understand those words - i could never surrender my pets under any circumstances. Glad you found what worked for you with your rug.

  4. Awww she is adorable! p.s. watch for the package coming your way. I finally got it mailed today!

  5. Gold is a lovely choice for part of your border. I can't wait to see the finished rug!

    I know sweetie will find a loving home with you until finding a forever home.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  6. I was wondering when you would be getting a new little companion. I know that if she comes to live with you she will be so loved and cared for.
    Glad the gold worked out in the border!

  7. The gold will be great. I can't wait to see the rug all finished up! I also look forward to seeing that cutie pie that may come to stay with you. Lucky little doggie!
    Have fun gardening!

  8. I am so happy "owner surrendered" doggie has a loving home to come to while she waits for an "owner wants" person to take her and love her the rest of her life.

  9. What a cutie your new foster is! If I was home enough for a pup I'd probably go pick her up! :-) Enjoy your yard time! Sunshine is a real treat these days!

  10. What a cute pug face. and so lucky to have found you Lauren. By"Owner Surrender" do you mean that she has been abused and that she surrender like a coward or the owner gave her up? I don't quite understand exactly what you mean. Best of luck to find her a good home, poor little thing.

    Have a great weekend, JB

  11. Have I told you lately that you're a sweetie? What a blessing you are to those dear animals...Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  12. Lauren, What a sweet face. Having a foster dog must be tough. Just trying to make my daughters dog adapt is a lot harder then I thought. Mekenna is homesick and so skiddish. My hat goes off to you! Cheri


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