Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Such a Chicken . . .

In my younger days I would try anything once . . . twice if I liked it :)  As I mentioned in a previous post, my DSO built his own airplane!!!  It was off being painted for a couple of months over the winter and he recently got it back and all put back together.  Everything was checked and calibrated, but much to his chagrin one of the instruments went belly up and had to be sent to the state of Washington for repairs.  A few weeks ago it was once again ready to take to the sky.  He has been flying every chance he gets, though the weather has not been too cooperative.

Isn't she a beauty?
Let me begin by saying that I have not been in a small airplane in at least 30 years. Back then, I was fearless. {I was also young and!} I've done loops and spins in small airplanes. Heck, I even jumped out of them ~ 13 times. Now I am a white knuckle flyer.
There was no pressure for me to go up. In fact, even as we were taxiing I was given the option to change my mind. Thankfully, the weather was perfect ~ a little bit hazy but nary a bump. I was surprised how apprehensive, scared, chicken I was. There are many adjectives to describe how I felt. I kept having to remind myself to breathe!
Here we are after take-off heading north to Lake Erie, only about ten miles from the airport.

Lake Erie and the city of Lorain, Ohio.

My handsome pilot.

Coming in for the landing at Lorain County Regional Airport.

Back on the ground.  I can breathe again.

Does this airplane make my butt look fat?
It was a beautiful weekend in northern Ohio.  Lots of sunshine and only a little rain.  I got some much need yard work done but there is lots more to do. 
Thank you so much for stopping by.  I really do appreciate it and I hope you will come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You and your butt!! Lauren ~ I give you so much credit for going up in the little bitty plane!!!! I don't think I could have done it ~ but you did! And you enjoyed it!!! Congratulations for overcoming your fear!!!

  2. That is so cool. I am impressed. I'm not sure I would have gone in such a teeny plane. I can't believe you jumped out of a plane 13 ROCK!
    And your butt looks teeny tiny! Lol

  3. Lauren,What courage you have to jump out of planes.Wow I am impressed. I love the views.THanks for sharing Cheri

  4. Awesome Lauren! You are more brave than I'll ever be! The views look spectacular! I don't think I could ever jump out of a plane!
    It's a very handsome plane and pilot!
    Cathy G

  5. HOLY CATS Lauren!!! You ROCK!!! I can't believe that!!! (I know exactly what you mean, though, about being skiddish of things now we didn't give a hoodwink to in our youngster days!!!) But that is just all kinds of cool!!! You and your butt are funny!! (and skinny!!) Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  6. Oh Lauren you are brave no matter how handsome the pilot is I still wouldn't go!!! It's all I can do to fly commercial between Phoenix and Indy!!! Nice to FINALLY see a picture of you!

  7. OMG!!! That is sooo exciting!
    That plane is a beauty!

  8. That plane makes you look great! I can't believe your DSO built the plane himself...that's impressive! You are brave indeed. I used to fly in the small planes when I was younger, but I'd be skittish now! I really am impressed that you jumped out of planes...yowza!
    Very cool!

  9. LOL! Thanks for the belly laughs this morning!!! "Does this plane make my butt look fat"? lol! Thanks for taking us along on your plane ride! Beautiful day for it too!

  10. What a view! And congratulations on getting over your fear and just "doing it"!!! Don't know if I would have or not.
    The plane is a Beauty!!

  11. I'm kinda like you , not a gutsie as I used to be, but that looked like a beautiful ride.
    Your husband built the plane, I'm impressed.

  12. I was like you when I was young, gutsy and not afraid of anything and now I'm a coward. Congratulations on being so brave and going up in that teeny plane. Lauren, you (( ROCK )) indeed... I'm so glad to at last put a face to your name. What butts are you talking about? Beside the plane you look tall and slim like a model. Have a great week. Hugs, JB

  13. Lauren I forgot to thank you for sharing this great adventure with us. I much appreciate it. JB

  14. Wow, Lauren.....just looking at your pictures make my stomach go flip flop!
    Now see, there is a totally different side of the sweet, quiet Lauren that I thought I knew!
    You go girl!

  15. Sweetheart, thanks for trusting in me and my creation. Love you much! S.O.

  16. Wow Lauren! Just reading about that flight made my stomach dip! I can't imagine getting into a small plane, let alone jumping out of one. I have a hard enough time getting on a large plane!!

  17. I can hardly climb a ladder, and to be in such a small plane would put me over the edge. Congrats on biting the bullet! Donna

  18. So nice to meet you. We have so many of the same friends I wanted to come by and say hello. I am looking forward to being your newest follower.
    I have to say I too use to fly in small planes and now I would be more of a chicken than you.

  19. Wow! That is a beautiful (but oh so SMALL) airplane and you are one very brave lady! Found your blog on Acorn Hollow!


    p.s. I love the font on your blog! Do you happen to know the name of it?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)