Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Head is Spinning . . .

. . . from all the wonderful suggestions.  I really do appreciate your input!  Now I need more help . . . lol!  I kind of liked the idea of adding a row of gold.  What do you think?  I haven't decided which I like better.  That is one row of gold and three black.  Would I need to add a fourth row of black if I keep the gold?  The other is just four rows of black.  Ack!  I'm not good at making decisions!

I still plan on changing the eye.  Perhaps the ears, too.

Thank you again for all your suggestions!!!
The sun actually came out today.  Woo hoo.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I like the gold and three black. You are inspiring me to try proddy.

  2. I agree with Kim! It looks great! Makes me want to try proddy as well.

    Ask Andrea next time you are on the farm about how to do the fabulous eye Kris Miller taught us to do -that is only if you want your head to spin more!


  3. YES! That gold is just what the border needed to make it pop! I think it's perfect!

  4. Lauren, 1st off I would like to thank you for all your king comments you leave for me, you are one of the nicest I have ever met and so glad I have!!
    2nd, you are way to hard on yourself, your hooking is amazing, I love your work!!
    and 3rd my opinion, and yes I know what they say about that, i love the gold with the black!!

  5. Lauren, I definitely love the gold border with the black. It looks fantastic. JB

  6. You really like a spinning head, don't you, my friend?? ;o) Whooaaa....after going back and reading all the input on your last post, I might have found tequila more sedating. asked, so here goes (again): Although I was kinda partial to that all black border, I do like the gold holding line now that I see it. But, I'd still stick with 4 total rows....Either way TRULY will be lovely - Rhonda is're being to hard on yourself....There's more than one kind of perfect you know! Hook on Sweet Thing! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  7. I vote for keeping the gold in the border.

  8. You had so many suggestions MY head spun and I couldn't even add anything useful! Now that we're down to only one item, I'm voting for the gold. ;-)
    I love the proddy sheep--you did a fantastic job!

  9. I really like the gold in the border! 3 rows of black after that should suffice... keep on hookin'! :-)

  10. Hi Lauren.............I like the one row of gold. It kind of prepares your eye for the bold black border. Now show me how you will bind this rug!

  11. Hi Lauren ....the gold looks great ,I like it very much with three rows of black...

  12. Lauren, love the gold, just what it needs. And you know what I received in the mail yesterday? I did the happy dance, thanks so much. Love it. Didn't get your email, but am trying to find the place you ask about, will let you know as soon as I can. Have another girl looking also. If you arent' working on the 27th stop by the library, should be lots of fun.

  13. I like the gold and black a lot! The three rows of black look perfect

  14. *****happy that you tried my suggestion of the
    gold in the border. it will tie everything beautifully. the eye is something that you have
    a couple of choices with. how realistic do you
    want it to be? one way would be to hook in one
    black look, surround this with a row of gold,
    hooking very closely to create an even circle.
    the other would be to simply use a gold texture
    without any more definition.
    as for the ear...yes, the white is too much, so try one of the strips from your black
    stripe material. i would suggest the lightest of the stripes which would give enough of a
    contrast from the head.
    good luck in finishing...i think you will be very pleased with the results.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)