Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Treasures ~ from Gathered Treasures

I've finally taken a few pictures of my new/old
treasures from the
Gathered Treasures primitive/antique show.
A vintage shoo-fly rocker I looked at soon after I arrived.
It was still there when I was about to leave.
I figured because it was still there,
it was meant to come home with me {big grin}!
I think this will be someone's birthday present.

I have no idea how old this is
but I do know that it is vintage.
It was just too cute
not to bring it home.

Just a sweet little wall box.
Not antique, but it does have some age
{whatever that means!}.

There was a VERY talented bear maker ~
I believe she was from New York.
I'm so sorry I failed to get her name.
She also made the sweetest pin cushions ~
many made with vintage tomato pin cushions.

I also purchased four 48 star American flags.
Whenever I find them at a good price,
I snatch them up.
I got four of them
for only $5.00.

* * * * *

I got these pictures from Hopscotch's mom today.
Oh, that girl is a pistol.

This one just cracked me up.
I guess she figured if the cat could be on the table, so could she.

Eema is also doing great!
Her mom Dolly sent me a couple
snail mail pictures of her
sleeping with a mouse cat toy.
It is the first time
Eema has ever played with a toy.
Remember, Eema was my
girl who spent her first seven
years as a puppy mill momma.
How wonderful she is now living
the life she deserves.
It does my heart good!

* * * * *
Our weather is sunny and warm today.
We had torrential rains yesterday
and more are predicted.
I may never get my yard work done.

* * * * *

I've picked up a few new followers. 
Thank you so much! 
I've also passed my 300th post. 
In my wildest dreams,
I never thought I'd go this far with my blogging.
I must say, I am addicted.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. The old rocking horse is lovely, but that little faded kitty steals my heart.
    I love the pictures of Hopscotch. She really is a precocious little beast. I'm sure she can be frustrating, but she sure makes me laugh.
    Glad Dolly is still keeping in touch with Eema news.

  2. Well I love it all! lucky birthday person who gets that. So good to see pictures of hopscotch. It must do your heart so good to see them thrive. yahooo more followers always so exciting. we are over cast but 50's it just can't warm up. looking forward to going to my first hook in.

  3. Cute pics of Hopscotch!!! You're right about the one with her on the table... it even looks like the cat is saying "Hey! You're not supposed to be up here!" lol! You do so much good for these little pugs! :-)

  4. Love, love, love the Hopscotch pictures! Congrats on your 300th post! I know I enjoy stopping by your blog to hear your news!

  5. Love seeing Hopscotch being happy, even if she is on the kitchen table. I think mine has been there once or twice from the back of the couch.

  6. Ahhhhh....sweet pictures of Hopscotch!! (But I thought only kitties went on tables!!) Great finds also! I am coveting that sweet little stuffed kitty - could it be an Arnold Printworks piece??? (Drool...) And I'm very intrigued by your flag finds....why is it that when I find even part or pieces of a flag with age, they want a price that makes me think it went to the moon and back??? Yikes....Lucky, lucky Lauren!! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  7. Oh how cute those pics of Hopscotch are!!

  8. It looks like hopscotch has a big yard to play in and big trees to climb. He must think that he's a cat. I never saw a dog on a table either. I like the vintage cat too. JB

  9. Congratulations on your 300th post~ that's a lot of words, isn't it? And you did good at the show ~ I love a good shopper!!

  10. Oh how cute Hopscotch is. I loved the horse antique wow you are a good shopper! Cheri

  11. Lot's of fun news in your post Lauren! Looks like Hopscotch is having a blast in her new home! Doesn't it just make your heart glad!
    You are really doing a terrific job on blogging! Wowie, 300 posts! Thats a lot of writing and photo work! It is always fun and uplifting to come here and read! Wonderful job Lauren!
    Cathy G

  12. Love the rocking horse and the kittie. Must have been a fun time. Hopscotch and Eema are two wonderful Pugs and deserving of great homes - so glad for them. Leep the blog alive and well - we enjoy it immensely.

  13. That pug is a hoot! Tenacious little thing and very sure of herself.
    So sweet that Eema has a toy. People forget that dogs love toys. Our Molly goes to her basket and gets her favorites out every night.
    Another great post.

    Kathleen...in Central NJ...where she wishes her yard would dry out

  14. Great pieces Lauren! And those pic's of the dogs. Too cute. Can't say I've ever seen a pug try to climb a tree lol.

  15. GREAT goodies!!!
    I LOVe hopscotch's pictures!! she is quite the character!
    so good to hear Eema is doing so well. My puppymill pair didn't know what to do with toys either!! KaeKae's favorite toy is this huge stuffed bear that she takes out all of her "issues" on!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)