Thursday, April 28, 2011

In My Garden ~

Just a few pictures
taken today in my gardens.
The sun is actually shining
though it is windy and quite chilly.
Overnight we had high winds
that caused damage to many trees,
but we are so fortunate
compared to so many other parts
of our country.
Please say a prayer for those
who suffered such devastation.

Jake's last swim class was yesterday.
I tried to get a good picture of him
in his Sponge Bob swim trunks.
Obviously, he was not cooperating!

Little boys can be such goofballs!

Tonight is hooking at the farm.
I hope to make some progress
on my proddy sheep rug.
* * *
Thank you so much stopping by
and I hope you will come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Gosh that Jake is so cute! I actually think in his mind he is cooperating! ~grin~
    I just loved raising boys...for all their goofiness!
    Your garden looks lovely.

  2. HAPPY HOOKING LADY...just love to say that!!!

    Jake is adorable and I think you got 'true' photos...he's being a little boy.
    Fun watching them swim isn't it?
    Durin my Swim class there are the little 3-6 year olds in the big pool and they are sooo cute.

    Beautiful flowers - none here yet.

  3. That Jake is a hoot! Love the sponge bob trunks.

  4. Jake is just trying to look like Sponge Bob and I think that he's doing a great imitation in a cute way. Boys will be boys.

    I'm so glad that you had very little damage from the wind. I just finished watching an arial video of the devastation left by the tornado in Alabama and it's unbelievable. There has been so much devastation with flood, mudslides, earthquakes, tornados and wild fires and nuclear disasters and war lately. I feel so sorry for the younger generation growing with all this happening. I'm keeping all those affected by these disasters in my prayers. Stay safe my friend. JB

  5. I forgot to say how lovely your flowers are. It's so nice finding blossoms in the spring. It always bring a smile on my face. JB

  6. Too funny, you can tell he is a happy little boy.

  7. Jake makes me laugh out loud. Oh what a sweet one he is. Loooovvee the flowers we are not there yet but we do have leaves coming out of the ground. Looking forward to you proddy pictures.

  8. BEAUTIFUL blooms Lauren! Wow - flowers, really?? We had snow again today. I'm beginning to think I will never again see a flower 'cept for other folks' photos, or perhaps in a vase from a store. Ahhh....what a cutie that feisty little Jake is...Love that toothless grin! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  9. Hahahaha...what a cutie Jake is! Nice to see photos of spring flowers!

  10. LOL! Jake's a fun kid! Cute! Tanks for all those flower pics! Your post is a bright way to start a day! :-)

  11. That Jake is to cute! Love the trunks!

    Bin very windy and rainy here and has blown all of the blossoms off of the trees. Short spring!

  12. He is certainly a cutie pie!!
    Love your flowers. What are the yellow and red ones? so pretty.

  13. What a ham Jake is!!
    Don't you love this time of year, when things are starting to bloom and look so nice!!

  14. Jake is so cute with that toothless grin. I have a soft spot for lil' redheaded boys....had one myself and love is pic with the googles!


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