Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!


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Yesterday, I took my favorite six year old to the annual Easter egg hunt at Lakeview Metropark on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie.  Friday evening's thunderstorms had passed through and brought warmer temperatures.  We must have gotten up to 70 degrees yesterday ~ WOO HOO :) 
Here's Jake with the lake in the background.  Because of all the wind and storms, the lake was very murky.

Thirteen thousand eggs were each filled with a small goody and divided in to three areas by age group.

In a matter of minutes, they were all gathered!

This cement basket has been a fixture at the park for decades.  I remember having my picture taken there as a pre-teen.

My wish to you is a very Happy Easter, spent with those you love.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy Easter Lauren! to you and your family..


  2. Happy easter to you also. Looks like jake got himself some loot. I love that basket it must be filled with flowers in the summer. It is a quiet easter for us not much fun. I need to get over myself becasue as my daughter said "mom miss baby will not remember only you will" Wise daughter. So glad you got to spend some fun time with Jake.

  3. Happy Easter! Jake looks very pleased with his haul!

  4. He has quite a nice basketful!

    Hope the sun shines on your day!
    Happy Easter!

  5. A Blessed Easter to you and yours.

    Handsome young man...they'd call him a "ginger" (redhead) in Ireland.

    Off to our friends' for Easter brunch and home to hook/whip later on.


  6. Lauren ~ Happy Easter to you as well. The proddy tutorial was great, thanks. I've done some proddy but used a hemostat. Next time I proddy I will pick up the proddy tool for sure because the hemostat gets clamped shut sometimes which makes it more work than it should.

  7. Happy Easter to you!! Jake looks quite happy with his 'take'!!

  8. A blessed and joyous Easter to you as well, my friend!! Oh....rub that little redhead's hair for me please!! Smiles, hugs & blessings ~ Robin

  9. A Wonderful Easter to you and Wow a great egg haul. What a cute Boy! Hugs Cheri

  10. That looks like so much fun. I always wanted to have an outdoor egg hunt. Jake got quite a haul!

  11. My goodness Jake looks like a happy egg hunter! What a cutie pie he is. Easter love to you and yours.


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