Friday, April 22, 2011

Proddy Tip ~ ~ ~ Pay It Forward

First I would like to thank everyone for the kind comments on my proddy tutorial.  I just wanted you to know how easy it is to do.
Also, a big THANK YOU for all your comments on Peanut's adoption.  I haven't heard any more from her new family, so I am going on the assumption that no news is good news.
Kathleen in New Jersey left me these proddy tips and I thought I would pass them along.
"You can cut your proddy pieces into shapes . . . rounded leaves, holly leaves, flowers . . . makes a great wreath. I've made a Christmas wreath and a year-round wreath using the proddy technique. I also proddied with ribbons to give the wreaths more dimension. Proddy does use ALOT of wool and it's a bit of a work-out. But so worth it. Think about proddy pins, ladies!"

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I have been working on my Pay It Forward gifts and hope to finish them this weekend . . . but . . . the best laid plans of mice and men.  You know how that goes :)
In today's mail I did receive my PIF gift from the oh-so-talented Lori over at Home Spun Prims.  I received the sweetest little sewing pocket and dolly.  Here it is hanging on my jelly cupboard. 

The pocket is made from the most wonderful, old-looking brown fabric.

The little dolly is only 4" tall.

Lori, I really do love it and so appreciate having something made from your hands.
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It is a rainy, whopping 43 degree day here on Ohio's north coast.  I wish spring would hurry up and get here.  I may never get my yard work done.

Pug hugs :)


  1. What a lovely sewing pocket,I love simple faceless dolls! Have a Happy Easter!

  2. Lauren~

    Love your little dolly & pocket from Lori. I'm sure Peanut is doing great in her new home. Have a Blessed Easter.


  3. I love your sewing pocket and dolly!!! It is beautiful!!! Enjoy! Hugs, Lecia

  4. I have been such a bad blogger that I've missed a few of your posts! Sorry! I love the proddy tips you had. I definitely need to be hooking again, don't I? And your sewing pocket is wonderful as is the faceless doll.

    I hope that you have a great Easter.

  5. Your little dolly is darling. Just the right size for a Millie toy! I'd like to design a rug with one small proddy element, to practice.
    I don't have my PIF things finished yet either. So now I feel a bit better. Hehehe
    Enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend.

  6. Awww...that's such a sweet little gift. Love it! (Great jelly cupboard too!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Your dolly and pocket are wonderful! She does such nice work! I don't have my PIF gifts done yet either...well, almost, but not quite!
    Have a lovely Easter weekend!

  8. What a wonderful gift from Lori - she's so talented!

  9. Love your sewing pocket. I am sure peanut is settling in you taught her well. I have seen prodded flower pins that are so cute.
    have a wonderful easter.

  10. A great little bag with primitive doll. That little doll reminded me of a little doll I made ages ago when my girls were small. I made several from a pattern from a magazine and saw one of them at my daughter a few years ago. I was totally amazed that she still had it in her possession. It was an iron on pattern and the hair were made of yarn and it was about 4 to 5 inches tall.

    Happy Easter. JB

  11. Lauren, It has to be so hard to give up any foster dog, yet what you do is so wonderful!!! Love the PIF gift!!!! Have a great Easter! OLM

  12. You are most welcome Lauren. I was happy to make the pocket and dolly for you. I like where you hung them.
    I'm sure they are so busy loving up Peanut they haven't had time to contact you! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.


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