Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Proddy ~

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Now, I am by no means an expert.  I learned to proddy less than two weeks ago, but I wanted to share what I learned and how easy it really is!  There are two different tools that can be used.  I learned using a spring-loaded tool.  The tool cost $32.00 and was purchased from Alice over at Folk Art Primitives.  
To proddy, tear your wool in 1" strips.  Then cut each piece 4" long.  I angled my ends, but that is not necessary.  Some of us in the class did, some didn't.  Also some of the ladies tore their wool wider than 1".  I think the size depends alot on how big the area is you want to proddy and the overall effect you want to achieve. 
According to Alice, to determine how much wool is needed, a good rule of thumb is to figure on nine times the area.  For instance, if the proddy area is 5" x 5" (25 square inches), you would need approximately 225 square inches of wool (9 x 25). 

When using the spring-loaded tool, you will work without a frame on the right side of the linen.  Insert the tool under several threads of linen.  Be sure to insert the tool in far enough so that when you open it, you do not catch the linen threads.  Alice stressed that not inserting far enough can cause a real headache!

Grab a corner of your wool . . .

. . . and pull halfway through.  As you add pieces of wool, they will stand up.
That's all there is to it!!!

Here is the backside of my sheep so you can get an idea of how closely I spaced each piece.

Here it is from the front.  Much easier than you thought, right?

Pug hugs :)


  1. I have never seen that kind of proddy tool before. Very slick.

  2. Great instructions! Never saw the proddy tool in use before - the only thing I ever "proddied" before was flower and I just used my hook and yanked! You sure use a lot of wool though don't you!

  3. You make it look so easy! I have one of the proddy tools that poke the fabric through the backing, but have never actually used it. Sure would like to try some day! Thanks for all the pictures of the process!

  4. Super instructions your wooley sheep looks great. I've never tried proddy but it sure looks nice.

  5. If you're not, you should've been a teacher. Perfectly clear instructions! (Ahh, man - now another thing on my "gotta try this" list...)
    :o) Robin

  6. I never knew!! Looks like it does use a lot of wool though. Will have to try it sometime.

  7. That looks pretty easy. Now, to buy the tool! Oh, and add another feature to my "learn as I go" rug hooking world! The sheep looks great with this technique! What a clear tutorial! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for the instructions!! I also used my hook. Keeping my fingers crossed that the weather gets better here. Happy Easter!

  9. Well, look at you, Missy! Good tutorial ~ and your sheep looks great! I love the background color ~ you are a very good student, Miss Lauren ~ and thanks for the link over to my blog!! Have a happy day ~ the sun is shining even though it is 36 degrees ~ yikes!!!

  10. Best tutorial ever on proddy technique that I have come across so far. Thanks so much for sharing this. Much appreciated. JB

  11. This is wonderful. A couple of additional tips, if I may. You can cut your proddy pieces into shapes...rounded leaves, holly leaves, flowers...makes a great wreath. I've made a Christmas wreath and a year-round wreath using the proddy technique. I also proddied with ribbons to give the wreaths more dimension. Proddy does use ALOT of wool and it's a bit of a work-out. But so worth it. The tool runs about $45. Think about proddy pins, ladies!

    Happy Easter. Love Rugs and Pugs. My sons like to check in on the dog news.

  12. Lauren,
    This is soooo great! I was searching for a tutorial on u-tube the other day and nothing as clear and understandable as this came up! I appreciate your generosity in sharing! That tool looks like a must have!
    Hugs and Happy Easter my friend!
    Cathy G

  13. Oh COOL!!!! I've got to try this!! I wonder if you can proddy with cotton fabric or such?? HMMMMMM--think I've got an IDEA!!!
    BTW--glad to hear Ms. Peanut is doing so well! I'm sure she has brightened her new family's life with her sweet pug smile!

  14. Hi Lauren... Never tried the proddy but it looks nice , and great instructions.... Love your blog site and love the pictures of the pugs on the rugs...

  15. Hi Lauren~

    Love the look of your sheep. Thanks for showing us how it's done. Someday I'll go back to hooking. I don't have enough hours in the day to do it all.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  16. Well I love your sheep and I may try this but oh that is a lot of wool.of course I have a closet full
    happy easter my friend enjoy that jake

  17. Looks so beautiful!enjoy your easter!blessings michelle

  18. Lauren........what a great tutorial!
    The pics are so great with it. After my sheep is done I plan to use my Proddy tool on some other projects, I bet you will too!
    I am so glad that I went to Alice's class.

  19. I just used one of those proddy tools this weekend and have to say, I really enjoyed it. May purchase one if I can get a decent price...just so simple to use...

  20. I just used one of those proddy tools this weekend and have to say, I really enjoyed it. May purchase one if I can get a decent price...just so simple to use...


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