Monday, April 18, 2011

Proddy Class ~

Here are few pictures from the proddy class
I took with Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives.
A day with Alice is a always a good time ~
lots of laughs, a house tour,
yummy lunch and you even learn something.
Great fun!
Here's Alice helping color plan.

Pam hard at work on her sheep.
I think Pam and I chose the same
colors for our sheep.

Debbie came all the way from PA
for the class.

Here's Alice taking a picture of me
taking a picture of her.

MJ {another hooker who reads my blog},
Pam and Jackie, the other PA hooker,
showing off their rugs.

A close up of MJ's rug.  What a fun sheep!

Here's the progress I've made so far.
I found the proddy very easy to do,
but does it ever use the wool!

* * * * * * *
I spoke with Peanut's new mom last evening.
Things are going better than she expected
and when I talked with her,
Peanut was cuddled up on her lap.
Oh, does that make me feel good!!!
* * * * * * *
Pug hugs :)


  1. So glad to hear peanut is adjusting to his forever home.the rug is absolutely beautiful!looks like a great time was had.have a wonderful week!blessings michelle

  2. Yeah for Peanut!!! :o))) Your rug is GORGEOUS!! Love everything about it ('specially cause it has sheep!!!) - Looks, tho, like you're a proddy pro....whatcha doing taking a class???! I've done Waldoboro, but not're making me wanna try...But I can't!! Not til I finish up my overloaded dancecard! TFS!! Robin

  3. What a FUN project! I love how some people have chosen to make their sheep different colors! HOpe you'll share pictures when they're totally finished!

  4. Another forver home success story...lucky little Peanut!!!

    Looks like everyone was having a great time with the proddy sheep...

  5. Nice rugs and so glad to hear peanut is doing well in her furever home!

  6. Yea Peanut! I'm so glad to hear that she is settling in. Your sheep is fantastic! Proddy is cool. One of my little rug hookers was hooking so high it looked like proddy...I need to challenge myself with it sometime soon!
    Keep us posted on the finished rugs!

  7. Hi Lauren, Proddy is such fun - I love the looks of the sheep. Please let us see it when it's finished.

    I'm so happy for Peanut. Such a cute little girl it would be hard not to love her.

  8. Those sheep are darling. I does look like it uses a lot of wool though. But the effect is gorgeous.
    Great update about Peanut too.

  9. Lauren, your proddy sheep is almost finished and I'm surprised at the amount of wool it takes and at the width of the strips. It all looks like so much work but it does looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished and thanks for letting us know that Peanut is settling nicely with her new family. JB

  10. I am so glad Peanuts is adjusting. The rugs are all so interesting. Cheri

  11. Love your sheep rug!! So glad to hear Peanut is happy in her new home.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  12. Hi Lauren..........I love how your rug is turning out. I am going to take a pic of my progress and make a blog post. Ideas are swirling in my head for my next project!
    Sorry about all of your delays on your travels.

  13. OH, JUST TOO CUTE...I've never seen anything like this. I love it!!!

  14. You could hook a little mat of Peanut and proddy her pug ears. Would be a lovely memento. Actually...could hook one for each pug you've fostered. Sweet.


  15. Lauren, so happy that Peanut is settling in. I did a proddy class last year. We did pillows with different proddy flowers.. I think the photo is somewhere on my blog. The sheep looks like a fun one to do. I may have to try that one.

  16. Lauren,
    I am so glad Peanut is doing well in her new home! It has to make it a lot easier on you!
    The sheep rugs are going to be really cute! Can't wait to see them all hooked!
    Glad you had fun with the girls! All that talent in one room..... Wow!
    Cathy G

  17. Hi Lauen~so happy that Peanut is adjusting so well in her new home! I love your sheep! I would very much like to attend one of Alice's classes..I've always wanted to learn how to hook. Having met Alice a couple of times, I KNOW it would be lot's of F-U-N! (: I think a rug hooked in Peanut's honor would be quite nice! (;

  18. Lauren Your rugs are so NOT ugly, they are beautiful and your pugs are so not ugly , they are SO beautiful too. I'm sorry that someone would stoop so low as to print something that was meant to be so hurtful. Thanks for your comment on my little primitive kitty. It was fun to do. Thanks again for your generosity. JB


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)