Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Little Piece of My Heart ~

Last evening my DSO and I headed south to Columbus, Ohio, home of the Ohio State University.  A trip that should have taken about 2 hours and 20 minutes ended up taking 3 and a half.  Between traffic back-ups and a detour, I wasn't sure we'd ever make it.  
Peanut was adopted last evening.  It was one of those bittersweet moments that I have mentioned often on my blog.  These pictures of Peanut were taken in the Wendy's parking lot on the way down.  I couldn't decide which one to choose, so I chose them all.  The lighting must have been perfect because these are some of the best pictures I've taken of her.  Doesn't it look like she is smiling at me?

Each of my fosters has taken a little piece of my heart with them ~ some more than others.  My Eema and Peanut have each taken a really big piece.  At this rate, I just may end up!

Here is the happy family ~ Tom and Ronna along with Peanut's new two-legged siblings Tess and Luke.  Tom and Ronna are pug people.  Their pug Otis passed away in January after having been sick for a year.  I think Peanut will have a very good life with them :)

Ronna was holding Peanut when I quietly left.  I couldn't bear to have her cry.  I do believe this is another Ohio Pug Rescue success story.

As I like to remind you on a regular basis, if you plan on getting a pet, please adopt!!!  Do not support puppy mills by purchasing from a pet store!
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My son J and grandson Jake went to Chicago for the weekend to visit family.  Here is Jake with his two (second?) cousins riding the El.  They look pretty happy.

Today I headed to the Gathered Treasures primitive craft/antique show.  I will share a few of my treasures in another post.  I was going to take pictures of both Alice's and Rhonda's booths but forgot all about it until I was on my way home:(   Speaking of on my way home . . . the route home was through BFE.  One of the railroad crossing had a stopped train.  It would start, stop, start and stop again.  Get the picture?  I sat at this crossing for FORTY MINUTES!!!  I was going stir crazy ~ nothing to read, nothing to occupy my hands.  My GPS is in Chicago with my son, my cell phone has no reception, so I was totally stuck.  Oh, I just don't have the patience for that!!!  This was NOT my weekend for road trips.  I think I'd better stay home the rest of the weekend.
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Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope you are all having a great weekend.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren great to see you today, you are such a sweet person!!!

  2. Lauren, what nice photos of peanut and all of your family. I assume that it's you and your family... Saying goodbye is so hard some time and I can see that this goodbye is tugging at your heart strings. Now you have make room for the next little pug, Hugs, JB

  3. Lauren~

    Peanut looks so happy.Beautiful pictures of her. Her new family looks really happy to have her!! I have tears in my eyes~tears of joy for Peanut, but also tears for you~ knowing how you must miss your little Peanut. I know you must be happy for her, but it also has to be really hard to let go.

    Take care my friend~Becky

  4. I don't think they take a piece of your heart as much as they add a piece to it. You will never be heartless - your heart gets bigger each time.
    P.s. I would have probably had a stroke behind that train.

  5. Oh...Lauren. My heart cries for you...I can only imagine your pain - the joy is there, too, I know ~ and it looks as though Peanut will have a wonderfully loving home - but it still hurts. But you'll never be heartless - I suspect your heart is way too large for that. Bless you - and what you do. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. This post brought a tear to my eyes. I believe Peanut was thinking thank you for taking such good care of me and I will be happy in my forever home. I so admire what you do.

  7. Peanut does look like he is smiling at you! He is so adorable! His new family look they are a very loving one, I'm sure Peanut will do very well with them. But I know it's gotta be hard for you and I'm so sorry! HUGS!!


  8. Looks like you done good again! Love those pics of Peanut in the car! Yes, she does look like she's smiling! :-) Bittersweet... yes... but actually the sweetest thing you do is help these puggies along to live a quality long life with folks that care about them!

  9. Lauren,
    I don't know how you do what you do. Your good work in providing a loving home and then making the families who adopt so happy must be joyous and satisfying. A prayer goes out for your huge heart and generous spirit to be strengthened and blessed! Little Peanut has a wonderful life ahead thanks to you!
    Cathy G

  10. What a sweet baby Peanut is and I'm sure he will be very happy in his new home. Ohh,, how hard to say good bye though. I so wish I could have been at the show with you. We have two wonderful fur babies, one from the pound and one from our daughter after she nipped at our grandson a couple of yrs ago. They are just like a member of our family and bring us so much joy. have a good weekend.

  11. It has to be so hard each time. YOu are such a blessing to all the pugs you have fostered and loved and to all the families who are enriched when you bring your pugs to them.

  12. Another success story :). Lauren, it is wonderful what you do. Rescuing and finding a loving home for these pugs. The new family looked very happy. I'm smiling for all of you.

  13. Ah Lauren - hugs to you - you are the sweetest most caring pug mom ever - you will never lose your heart it's so big - I'm sure it was so hard = Peanut sure looks like she's going to be spoiled rotten which means you done good! So happy you made it home safely!

  14. Oh my goodness she is smiling!!! I feel for you but I do think her new family is going to love her! You have so much room in your heart you could never lose it all!

  15. Those are great pictures of peanut ~ yes, he looked pretty happy and I know you're glad he has a nice new home! But I would be oh, so sad, too! And it was great to see you yesterday ~ you're always so nice to link to my blog ~ thank you!! Can't wait to see your proddy rug ~ hook on, woman!! Yes, road trips seem to have been your nemesis this weekend!!

  16. I. so happy for Peanut and so sad for you. Lauren I don't know how you do it - such a heart rendering job rescuing but such a wonderful thing you do. Eloise and I admire you for all you do for dogdom.

  17. Oh, Peanut looks very happy. Smiling in the car and so joyful in her new Mum's arms. I do believe that it goes the other way...your heart grows, not depletes. You are a generous and loving foster mom!

  18. Lauren,
    Think of yourself as a gardener of tend to them, make them beautiful and then give that flower to someone else to make their day. A gardeners work is never done.

  19. Lauren,

    God love you for transitioning these dogs. A truly generous spirit offering shelter in a storm.
    THIS is why I read your blog (and for the hooked rugs, of course!)

    A blessed Palm Sunday to you.


  20. It's so hard to let our fosters go. It breaks my heart each and everytime I do it. But having said that, I can't wait to get into my new house so I can start to do it again. It's so rewarding to see them go to their forever homes.

  21. So sorry you had to give Peanut to another home... I can definitely see how difficult that would be. Just know you gave him an excellent transition period. Isn't he the one where all previous owners found a problem with him, but you never did? You're a true dog whisperer :)

  22. {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    Peanut is such a cutie!!! It looks like she will be filling the hole that Otis left in her new forever family!!
    Thank you for all you do...i know there's another pug coming in need of your love!

  23. What a sweet PEANUT face...Oh Lauren, how heart wrenching to have them in your care for so long and then have to pass them on. I don't know that I could have your strength.
    Bless you dear lady.



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