Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hookin' at the Library ~

First of all, I'd like to say a big THANK YOU for all the kind comments regarding my Peanut and her possible adoption.  If she does go to her forever home, I'm sure I will shed a few tears, but as some of you pointed out, there will be another pug who needs me.
Last night was hookin' at the library with the "usual suspects".
Karin (eBay seller primitivespirits) hadn't decided on her next big rug, so was hooking a sweet little house mat.

Candy is still working on her snowman rug.  She is hooking it in a 4 cut.  Looks like thin spaghetti to me.
Deanna is close to finishing her dancing bunnies, an antique adaptation.
Carole (left) was working on some quilling (I think that's what the rolled wool is called) for her next rug and Arlene (right) is off to a good start on Tennessee Hearts.  Oh, that rug is on my want-to-hook-list, which is quite long!

Mitsuko is busy working on her sheep mat.

I did pull a few loops on my proddy sheep rug that I started last Saturday at Alice's.  I will share it with you soon.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I do hope you will come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It's fun to see all the different patterns. I really want to see your proddy sheep.

  2. I love looking at others peoples projects!Everyones rugs look great!Cheri

  3. Love the little sheep rug. Can't wait to see yours!

  4. such fun rugs and looks like a good time

  5. Sorry I missed it. It was too nice out and we had 'taters to plant so I couldn't make it. I think now that spring has arrived, only look for me if it is raining! Anxious to see your proddy rug.

  6. Hi Lauren...........sure wish I could join you in your fun little group.
    I have been working on my Proddy sheep too.
    And........still dreaming about that fabulous cutter we got to use at Alice's!

  7. Looks like there are some great rugs being hooked! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Hi Lauren, Thanks for letting us in on your group at the library. I just can use my imagination to be right there with you all and join the fun. Some great looking rugs being worked on.

    I hope that Peanut is going to be happy and well taken care of in her new home.

    I finished my Grandmother's Trunk Creative Challenge and I just put my first primitive kitty on the frame. I had to sew a piece of wool to compensate for the size of my frame and I'm about to start pulling a few hoops around the edge. I had to come check the color placement on my blog and I hope I can do it justice. Thanks again for this generous gift. Hugs for you and the Pugs.

  9. Fun to see what everyone is working on! We tried hooking at the library once, but the lighting was just TERRIBLE, and we never went back!

  10. Hi Lauren, I know that you will miss Peanut if whe goes to her forever home but Eloise and I wish the best for her. Love the rugs your group is hooking - looks like a fun group.

  11. What nice many different patterns and styles. I look forward to seeing your rug!

  12. Looks like a wonderful group to hook with - thanks for sharing the rugs! Love seeing rugs done and in progress.

  13. Hi Lauren,
    I'm so jealous that you have a place to gather with other hookers ... In KY., there is as you know nothing. Can't wait to see your rug.

  14. I've always been drawn to that antique dancing rabbit pattern. I like the colors she is using on it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)