Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Girls ~ ~ ~

Aren't my girls
just the cutest?
It's not often they get
close enough together
to get a picture.
Tonight was my lucky night.
For any new readers,
Loocie's the fawn one ~
five years old.
Peanut is my foster baby ~
six years old.

As I've said many times before,
fostering is very bittersweet.
Peanut may be going to her
forever home on Friday.
She came very close to being
a foster failure.
My sweet little Peanut.
Oh, how I will miss her.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I bet it will be hard seeing Little Peanut leave but think how lucky to find her forever home.How kind of you to take the time and love to help these little dogs.Cheri

  2. What a good foster mom you are! I hope peanut has her forever happy home.

  3. It will be another hard day for you. But as I have watched several of your foster babies go to new homes, I have come to the realization that another lucky pug will soon blossom with your care and eventually bless another family.

    Yay for Peanut!

  4. Hope it is a good match on Friday. I also saw your proddy rug on Alice's blog. You did great. I think it would have been fun to come. I wish I had paid attention sooner. I read about it after it was over. Bummer. Hope you have a good night.

  5. Such precious little pups. Hoping all works out for dear Peanut.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  6. Those pictures are so cute. They are adorable. I'm hoping that everything will go well for Peanut. It will be bittersweet for you, Loocie and Peanut too. HUGS, JB

  7. Oh, those adorable little faces!
    I know it will be a sad day for you when the Peanut moves on. I wish her luck!
    HUGS to you for being such a kind and loving foster Mom!!!

  8. Awwww ~ but it's hard to be sad when you know they'll be settled and loved. You're such a good 'step mama'!!!!!!

  9. Oh Lauren,
    Does it ever get any easier to watch them go? These little puggy babies are so lucky to have had you even for a short while!
    Blessings to you and wishing the best for Peanut!
    Cathy G

  10. Pugs eyes get me everytime! So sweet! Loocie looks sad at the thought of Peanut moving! I don't know how you do it but I guess knowing she's going to a forever home makes you feel better about it!

  11. Precious girls!! Just remember...another Pug furbaby somewhere needs a foster mom.

  12. Oh, it will be sad to see little Peanut go, but a forever home is a wonderful thing too! I really admire how you foster these little dogs...loving them so well that they flourish in a future home.

  13. Hoping all works out this week. What a great shot of the two of them togther. I can just imagine your photo album/s :)

  14. Oh goodness Lauren they are just too sweet and I don't know how you can part with Peanut...my heart goes out to you but someone will be getting a precious friend.


  15. Oh Lauren - I hope Peanut gets a wonderful forever home - these poor babies are so sweet and you are an angel for re-acclimating them and helping them find the perfect home. i'm sure there is another little pug in need waiting for your TLC. Be strong and good luck Mel

  16. Hey Lauren! I honestly don't know how you do that, my heart would break every time! I would get easily attached. I guess you have to always focus on the "happy" that the forever family is feeling..regardless, you are such a special person dear girl! Your "girls" are adorable! I'm not going to say they get it from their "momma" tho..(: so nice of you to drop by my blog! hugs~Kathy

  17. Lauren, What you do by fostering these wonderful dogs is such a wonderful thing. How hard indeed to see them go! OLM


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