Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring has Sprung ~

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Don't you just love spring?
It brings the promise of
green grass,
leaves on the trees,
the scent of a freshly mowed lawn,
and flowers.
We've had enough "brown" . . .
color in the yard
will be a welcome sight.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Grandson Jake is turning six this week
so we celebrated a few days early.
 Here he is trying to read
one of his cards . . .
 . . . and showing off his new
Sponge Bob swim trunks.
 Here are all the March birthday boys.
In addition to Jake turning six,
son J turned 30
and older brother Bill had a birthday, too.
We'll keep his age a secret :)
Has anyone purchased one of the new cutterheads from Beeline Townsend?  Or a compatible head from the Ault's?  I am itching to purchase a #9 cutterhead, but want to be sure the quality is there.
Thank you so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi , I did purchaseBeeline #3 cutter and it is the same quality as Townsend cutters.

  2. Happy Birthday Jake! could he be any cuter!
    and happy spring my friend.

  3. Oh all your boys are so cute! Happy B-day to all! Lauren I'd even take a brown lawn instead of white right now..... although it's almost gone after the thunder storm we had today! Yay!
    I will have to tell Jill you purchased some of her wool! I don't know how she does it but it IS the most wonderful wool! Thank-you for that lovely comment!
    Happy Spring my friend!
    Cathy G

  4. Lauren Happy Birthday to you. According to RHD it's your birthday today also.
    My, there are lots of birthdays in March at your place. Happy Birthday everyone.

    PS, I'm anxiously awaiting for the gift you sent me. JB

  5. Ok did something go over my head? Is it your birthday???? cause if it is miss lauren a very happy birthday to you my sweet friend

  6. You can't keep a secret in blogland. Happy Birthday Lauren! And of course Jake and the boys too. I can't believe you weren't going to tell us. And getting Spring as a birthday present is perfect.

  7. Happy spring!What a cutie Jake is,love that red hair.He looks pretty tall too.Looks like you had a great weekend!have a wonderful week!blessings michelle

  8. Looks like Jake and the boys enjoyed themselves! And it's your birthday too??? Happy, happy birthday to all!!

  9. Hey! Happy Birthday!! And to all your good men (and wee boys) too!! We have brown grass here, except for my weeds, which seem to have remained green under the snow! ;-)
    Have a great week!

  10. Happy Birthday Lauren. Hope this begins an amazing and joyful year for you. I have three blades and the cutter from Aults. I'm very happy with it. Hope to see you at the farm next week. Jane

  11. Happy Birthday Lauren!!! May this year bring lots of joy, pug hugs and WOOL!!!

  12. Happy birthday to all especially to you!!! HOpe you had a great day with all your men. My friend and I were wondering about the new Townshead cutters versus Ault's.

  13. I think I'm late wishing you a Happy Birthday Lauren! I read it on Julia's blog! Hope you were able to blow all those candles out! Just kidding!
    Hope it was fabulous!!!!!
    Cathy G

  14. Hello Lauren!
    Happy, Happy, (Belated) Birthday to you! Love your family (both 2 & 4-legged). Thanks for your b-day wishes also. My rug-hookng guru says those new B-line blades are the same quality/etc. as the original I'm getting me a 6 and 9 blade, in case this sort of tradegy happens again. Thanks for finding me! Robin

  15. Happy belated bday wishes to you Lauren and to all the March babies in your family. Jake sure is a cutie.

  16. Lauren - just when was your birthday? Happy Birthday to you and all your men!

    I want a #9 too but will have to wait for now - but Linda sells them at Grant St and I don't believe anyone has complained!

  17. Happy belated birthday! I really want to order a #3 or #4 for detail. Might look at Ault's cutterheads!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)