Friday, March 18, 2011

The Girls ~ ~ ~ and a ???


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So does spring begin on
March 20th or 21st?

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I've got some pictures of "my" girls to share with you.  I am so lucky that my last two fosters went to wonderful forever homes that keep in contact with me and send me pictures on a regular basis!
The first is of my sweet Eema.  She is up to her old tricks now that the weather has gotten a little more pleasant.  She went for a walk yesterday with mom Dolly and when she got tired of walking, she fell over and expected a belly rub.  Of course she got one! 
Hopscotch's mom Heidi recently adopted another pug from Ohio Pug Rescue.  She now has four pugs.  That's Gabi on the left and Hopscotch, smiling as usual :)
And here's my Peanut.  She is such a good girl.  It's been three weeks since she came to stay with me and I've yet to witness one ounce of aggression.  I have not heard her growl or snarl even once.  Sunday we were set up at a Moochie pet store and she must have come in contact with 20-25 other dogs and she was as good as gold.  I thought there was an application for her, but I've not heard anything all week.  That's okay by me . . . she is a delight to have around.  Check out that one chin hair!
We've finally had two spring-like days in a row and things in the garden are growing like crazy.  I absolutely adore snow drops! 
The winter aconite are pretty darn sweet, too.
Yesterday before swim class, Jake and I had some time to enjoy the weather.  He found a snake in the grass.  He was a little apprehensive at first.  I am not afraid of snakes {at least not little ones}, so we picked it up {with a stick} and put it in the garden.  It stayed there for the longest time, and when the garden started to get shady, Jake insisted we move the snake back in the grass where the sun was shining.
Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, it's nice to get updates on the little pugs! I am not good with snakes, despite raising two boys! You could always hear me shrieking in the garden as I came across one! I did however kiss a worm to impress a five year old boy once!!
    Happy Spring!

  2. We are still snow covered but we did have 2 nice days in a row. I have my fingers crossed for a snow free easter. I love to see your dogs they are so cute. Have a great weekend.

  3. lolol at Eema!! Kae just sits down and won't budge when she's done walking. She is totally immovable!!! Like she's 10,000 lbs--will n ot BUDGE!
    Gabi is adorable!! My daughter's future mom-in-law has rescue pugs (currently Tucker & Molly) and just took in another---no one would foster it and an adoption fell through because she has some health issues. So now Linda has three pugs!! She was just going to keep her until the health stuff was resolved but...well....LOLOL

    I can see a pug in my daughter's future (when they get a house)

  4. Thanks for the updates on the pugs. Peanut will find her forever home when the right people come along. She may not even care since she knows you care for her.

    I love your lovely early spring flowers. Bring on Spring, tulips and daffodils too, I'm ready... JB

  5. Cute pics of the girls. Millie just stops and sits when she is done walking. For her thats about a 20 foot walk. (Lazy doggie)
    I always thought Spring was March 21 but the weather girl tonight said Spring starts Sunday.

    SNAKES.....even little ones.....Nooooo way. Screaming, running, flailing my arms, possible tears, ewwwwwwww

  6. Okay Lauren - next time please mention a snake pic is coming - I HATE THEM HATE THEM HATE THEM and still shivering at the pic- UGHHHHH EWWWWWW

    Anyway - loved the pug pics - they all look so happy and that one of Eema waiting for a belly rub is precious!

  7. I'm so glad things are going well for your girls. They are so cute and loveable. Miss Peanut looks as though she's settling in nicely.
    Your flowers are lovely! Isn't it nice to have some nice warm days for a change?

  8. Love the updates!! Love Eema on her back, our knuckles does that all the time! LOl.... OK, the snake, would of sent me running in the other direction! OLM

  9. Ewwww...I HATE snakes!! I don't care if they are little or not. You are brave, no way I would pick one up even with a stick!! Great pics of 'the girls'!

  10. Oh I loved most of your pics, the flowers were beautiful! I could have done without the snake even if it was little. :(

  11. Love the pics of your gals... and the flowers too! Great happiness after such a snowy, icky, winter!

  12. I am so glad they keep you updated on those babies, they are so cute!!!!
    Your flowers are lovely!!!
    Hugs, Lecia

  13. Hi Lauren HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope that you have a terrific day. CELEBRATE and eat all the cake you want and have a piece for me. Hugs. JB


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