Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two P's ~

She's been with me for
three and a half weeks.
I'm still waiting for this aggressive,
alpha dog to emerge.
In fact,
I'm still waiting for her
first growl.
She is nothing but
sweet, sweet, sweet.
As I've said before,
she's my little velcro dog,
sleeping on my lap while
I type this.

I'm pleased with the progress
I've made on my
Maggie B rug.
I started hooking it on March 9.
My goal was to get it hooked this month.
I've never hooked that much in one month!
Maybe I'd better stay off the computer
and spend more time hooking
if I plan on getting it done :)
I'm hooking this mainly with
#8.5 and #9.5 cut and
I'm loving the lack of detail.

Wish me luck tomorrow.
I'm taking my grandson roller skating.
It has been decades since
I've been on skates.
I'm guessing it's kind of like riding a bicycle,
but I remember the floor
being very hard.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren your rug is great! You have alot done. I just got a Hartman hook - now I need the time and motivation! Peanut looks like a content little lady - hehe! SUE

  2. Oh have fun roller skating with Jake. I think I would need training wheels.

  3. Every time I see Peanut, I think of that silly song my kids used to sing, FOUND A PEANUT and then it sticks in my head....

    You are coming along well with your rug. You're like me, you feel guilty staying away from the computer and blogland but sometimes it's what you have to do to get some hooking done.

    I'm coming along with my Grandmother's Trunk Challenge rug. I'[m now about 3/4 done hooking. Give a hug to the peanut for me, JB

  4. Aww Oeanut is so cute!what a lovable face.Your rug is looking fabulous!Be very careful skating tommorow,those kids whip around in them roller blades now super fast,lol.Mine love to skate,I however still wear the old school ones with the four wheels.have fun!blessings michelle

  5. oh, wow...lauren! it's coming along beautifully :)
    i love her patterns and haven't done one myself yet...and you're using 9.5 cuts also? i've never used wider than 8.5 so far, what kind of backing is this?

  6. Peanut is so cute. and I love your rug the colors are wonderful. and rolling skating I haven't been on them in a million years. I remember that hard floor.
    tell us all about it.

  7. Peanut agressive? With a name like Peanut? So cute!

    Your rug is really awesome - you are doing a wonderful job and moving along quickly! Love the colors too!

    Hope you stay on your feet in skates! Me, I would ask they put pledge on my butt and I'll wax it in no time for them!

  8. Love both your "P"'s.....Colors in your rug are awesome! Hopefully you will inspire me to move a little faster on my hooking project....Don't know what it is, but I'm stalling!

  9. You are one brave woman if you plan to get on skates! I do remember the floor being really HARD!!!! Hope you stay upright!

    Such a lovely rug....it's looking fantastic!

  10. Be careful on those skates!!! The rug looks great. Makes me feel like I need to get hooking!
    Have fun with Jake!

  11. I love the colors in your rug...the muted greens with the deep red. Very nice. I find I'm drawn to the flower motif quite a bit. Have fun at the rink! Don't forget your skate key! ~grin~

  12. I love Maggie B patterns and yours is looking great! Don't the wider cuts move along so much faster?! Have fun at the skating rink ~ good luck!

  13. I love your rug! The simpleness of it is what makes it wonderful! You are a brave soul to put on skates! But have fun!! Peanuts little face is so darling!!

  14. Morning Lauren...oh my gosh Peanut is so cute and look at those blue eyes! Are they really that color or is it just the photo?

    Loving your rug!!!!! Don't know how you can complete one quickly with all you have going on.

    I haven't finished any of mine...have three going - hopefully by late Spring I'll get back to it again....I miss it.

    Enjoy your skating day with your grandson.

  15. Hi Lauren ~ Peanut is so sweet, just got to love them with those great big eyes....my sister is living with us for awhile with her three dogs and they adjusted quickly ,it will be lonely when they leave .....your rug looks great and love the colors!!! ....Have a great time roller skating with your grandson....

  16. Love the colors in the rug!!!
    Peanut is such a sweetie--someone is going to be very blessed having her as their forever pug!!

    skating--the floor is HARD and we don't seem to bounce up as fast!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!

  17. Love your rug - the colors are great and you are making really good progress. Lil' P is so cute - hard to believe she was labeled a troublemaker. I'm sure she loves being in your home. Enjoy the skating but do be careful! Mel

  18. Love your rug and your Peanut! Oh becareful skating I never really mastered it my husband is/or was a hot dog his best friend owned the rink and he lived there. I too went so slow and remember the floor being really hard!

  19. It must be all about how you perceive having pets. I think Peanut found a good place with you!

  20. Hi Lauren, I sure hope that you didn't break anything while roller skating and I hope that you had a great time. You are so brave.

    I just wanted you to know that your giveaway arrived in the mail today and I was so excited. Thanks so much for such a generous gift. It's very special. I hope that I can do it justice. JB


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