Thursday, March 24, 2011

Harder Than I Remembered ~

The skating rink floor, that is.  Jake was holding on to the railing and I thought I was doing okay.  Like I said, kind of like riding a bicycle.  So I decided to go around the rink once by myself.  I didn't think I was skating fast, but rounding the curve, in less than a nano-second, I was down.  I mean down hard!  Butt, palms of my hands, back and MY HEAD!!!  Ouch.  Talk about embarrassing.  One of the rink guys (who looked like he was all of fourteen!) immediately came to make sure the old lady was okay and to help her up.  I mean, it couldn't have happened at the far end where nobody could see me.  Nope.  Right where I had a huge audience.  Thankfully I am okay.  The goose egg on my head is pretty much gone and my back is still sore, but nothing is broken.  Luckily I inherited my mom's good bones :)  Needless to say, the rest of the evening I was very cautious.  The good part . . . by the end of the session, Jake was no longer holding on to the railing and was actually skating!
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!  That little bird Julia let the cat out of the bag.  I must have my birthday listed on Rug Hooking Daily.  I had a really funny birthday present to share with you, but my camera won't let me download the picture.  It must be the cable because I couldn't download it to the laptop either.  GGGRRRR!!!!!!  Maybe next time.
Thank you so much for stopping by and listening to my ramblings.
Pug hugs :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ouch is right! I took my kiddo skating a few months ago. Luckily he had a friend tag along so his ol' Mom could sit in the snack bar & cross stitch! I joked with all who asked if I had skated with him... saying NO, I wouldn't want to break a hip! lol :) I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Happy Birthday to you! :)

  3. Lauren,
    You could have been really hurt banging your head hard enough to get a goose egg. You sound OK but next time - hold on to the rails!!

  4. Lauren,
    Now I'd say you're livin' a little dangerously but so glad you are alright! As I remember it the skating rink floor was pretty hard! You go girl but next time maybe wear a helmet!
    Cathy G

  5. Oh, you poor baby!! I was going to tell you to wear a pillow in your pants ~ guess I should have followed my instincts!! That had to hurt bad!! But I'm sure Jake had a marvy time with his grandma ~ and will have a good memory to share!! Happy Birhtday to you!

  6. Oh Lauren, I was worried about you and left a message on your previous blog. I'm so glad that you didn't break any bones and that other than your pride everything will be OK. As you probably know, I received you great gift in the mail and I'm all tickled pink. You are very generous and I can tell by the way you care for those little pugs. It's no wonder they love you. Have a great weekend and be c-a-r-e-f-u-l- on those roller skates.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, JB

  7. That hurts just to THINK about it! Glad you're okay! About a month ago I tripped over a crack in my driveway and went sprawling - landed almost on my face. Sure makes a person feel silly, huh?

  8. Happy Birthday. Glad you didn't break anything. Lisa

  9. Oh OUCH!!! Glad you didn't break anything.

  10. I hate to hit my head. So glad you are ok. and that Jake learned to skate. What a wonderful grammie to teach him. I hope you had a most wonderful birthday.

  11. Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! What a trooper to put skates on as it is!! Have a good birth-week!

  12. Lauren~

    Happy Birthday!! Glad to hear ya made it back from skating in one piece. I little bruised maybe, but no broken bones. Sounds like a fun time even though ya had a crash. Making memories~that's what it's all about.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  13. We never forget how to skate, ride bikes, etc. but we do get rusty! Glad you didn't break anything, and the bonus is you both have a good memory... Hope your birthday was a good one.

  14. We used to fall rollerskating as kids (all those skinned knees!), we were just closer to the ground then. That had to be painful! So glad you aren't too badly damaged.
    I don't think I want to get on a bike or skates any more!

    Happy Belated Birthday!
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  15. Happy belated birthday Lauren!... So glad to hear you were not hurt from your fall ..... and glad you and your grandson had fun.... Those times are very special.... I will not get on a bike, rollerskates or ice skates... Sometimes I have enough trouble keeping my feet planted firmly on the ground LOL....

    Have a great weekend.

  16. Maybe next time let Jake take a friend and you can sit and watch and cheer....I am thinking that's what I will do if I ever get to take my grandson. That or send PaPa out with him, ithurt when I was younger, man I don't know about now...alot of years have passed. Sheila

  17. Yikes....I'm really hoping you're a lot younger than I am, cuz, that would take some serious recovery time on my part. Eeeh Gads... I couldn't rollerskate decent when I was young...! Glad you're taking it like a sport!

  18. Ouch! Sorry about your fall. that is never easy to handle no matter what the age. It still hurts!
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuu :)

  19. Happy Belated birthday! Hope the soreness goes away soon. You were VERY BRAVE to strap those wheels to your feet and give it a go....what we Grandma's do!


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