Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Rug and some Pugs ~

This morning March decided to act like the lion.  Our rain turned to snow about 10 pm last evening and by this morning we had about four inches on the ground.  The wind was howling and it was just not a pleasant day :(
This Sunday evening I have a couple things to share that I have been working on.  I have finished the hooking part of my little tulip mat.  It is about 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" and not nearly as bright as the picture shows.  It will be bound at a {much} later date.
I finally started the birthday gift that was to be done a month ago.  Better late than never, right?
This is a picture of Hopscotch (nka Midge) that her forever mom recently sent me.  Those teeth just make me laugh! 
Here's a picture of the first pug (the black one) that I fostered through Ohio Pug Rescue in August of 2008, with my Loocie.  TeeJaye was dumped at a shelter and when I got her she was missing lots of fur from a bad infestation of fleas.  I almost didn't want to hold her because she looked so awful and at that point I had my doubts about fostering.  Let me tell you, she turned out to be a beautiful girl and the day she was adopted out I took a half day off work and spent it crying.  I was told you will cry when the first foster goes to her forever home, and you will cry when the second foster goes to her forever home . . . get the picture?
And now there's Peanut.  She's foster pug #9.  Since I don't have a fenced yard, I only foster one at a time.  She has turned out to be a total joy!!!  She was an adoption return (after two years!!!) due to aggression.  So far, and I know it's only been nine days, there has not been one sign of aggression.  Not one growl, not one snarl.  She is just a little lover.  The first few days we had some problems with separation anxiety/potty issues.  She is now crated when I leave and she has done just fine.  She is my shadow (aka velcro dog :) and is never more than a few feet away from me.  She sleeps with me at night and loves to crawl under the covers and snuggle next to my belly.  I hope she will soon find her forever home that truly is forever.

It's time to get on my soapbox again and ask that if you are considering a pet (be it a dog, cat, bird, horse or even a skunk), please consider rescuing an animal.  PLEASE!!!  Do not support puppy mills by purchasing from a pet store. 
Thank you so much for stopping by and I do hope you will come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, I love these little pugs of yours! The tulip mat is cute too...but the kitty is way cool. Are your not quite bound rugs stacking up like mine are? ;-)

  2. I see that Hopscotch is sporting a different smile than her first picture. Too cute...

    You sure have ways with pugs. I think that it's the way you treat them that makes them so endearing. Some people should never have pet if they can't take proper care of them. Thank goodness for people like you.

    Cute primitive rugs. Are you designing your own patterns? JB

  3. You are one amazing person. I love your mat and who could not love your sweet dogs?

  4. We too have a rescue pug that was used for breeding...six litters in five years. She is just soooooo sweet and also a Velcro dog! Love your work!

  5. Lauren you just make me cry! You have such wonderful compassion and your fosters are so lucky to have shared your life. I always cry to when a foster goes! Can't even imagine the day Dottie gets adopted!! Love your mats!
    doggie hugs and kisses!

  6. *****why not just keep her for yourself...perhaps that is what she needs the most at this stage of her little life? sounds like a great match.

  7. #9!!! Lauren...... what a giving loving person you are! Little peanut is lucky to have you for her foster Mom! As with all the others she is such a cutie and I know her forever family will find her one day!
    Cute rugs, and as for the binding I am getting a few things now that need that step too. Never used to start another until I got one completely done. Now something in my brain tells me to get them hooked and not worry about the binding...... wonder what that's all about! LOL! Hope your weather improves very soon.... it's getting so hard to see more snow this time of year!
    Cathy G

  8. She's a cutie!
    Good luck finding her a home. Something tells me, it won't be hard..

  9. Your little mat is just wonderful. love your color choices.
    Your tears of love are such a blessing!

  10. Love your mat!!!
    And AMEN sister to adopting!!!

  11. The howling wind is here today. But you should see how much snow melted this weekend. Very exciting for me!
    All I have to say is the Ohio Pug Rescue was blessed the day they met you :)

  12. Lauren

    You have so much love to give and who better to benefit from it but your pugs? I assume you have a queen bed so all the divas can enjoy it.


  13. Aww...Lauren, peanut is adorable! What a lovely heart you have!(: I Love your rugs!

  14. Love Peanut! I agree with you on adopting a pet! Our last two dogs have been from a rescue group and they have been and are wonderful!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)