Thursday, March 3, 2011

And the Winner is ~ ~ ~

Tonight was swim class night and I needed someone to pick a give~away winner.  Jake was more than happy to oblige.  Today must have been a bad picture day.  It is nearly impossible for an almost six year old not to ham it up.  I also think too much sun was streaming in through the windows, but I am NOT complaining about the sun.  We don't see a whole lot of it this time of year here in northern Ohio.
And the winner is . . . 
Julia from of Petals and WoolJulia is a very faithful reader/follower/commenter on my blog. She has hooked but has not hooked with anything larger than a 6 cut and is wanting to try an 8. Congrats to Julia.
Jake loves to takes pictures.  Here is his self-portrait . . .
 . . . and trying to get a picture of his shirt . . .
. . . and one of his hand. 
Thanks to all who entered my hooker give~away.  There are so many hooker wannabes, I will be offering another kit in the future.
A big THANK YOU to all my followers, old and new.  It warms my heart that so many people stop by to read what is going on in my mundane little life.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Yay, I'm so happy for Julia. She will be so excited. Jake cracks me up. Lol

  2. Your grandson is so darned cute!! I miss little kids being around. The sun was nice!!

  3. what a cutie!it was pretty nice out here today ,wasnt it.have a great week.blessings michelle

  4. Life is never mundane with a foster dog!! And what about Jake? There's not a mundane bone in his body I can just tell!!

  5. Congrats to Julia! Jake is such a funny dude! :-) Thanks for the smiles this morning!

  6. How wonderful for Julia!! Great lady! Love your contest picker!! He's adorable. I raised two boys, so I have a soft spot for their energy!

  7. Congratulations to Julia!!! I can't think of a more deserving winner!
    Jake is such a cute and energetic littly guy. He must keep you laughing constantly with his antics. Thanks for sharing his fun!

  8. Jake is too cute! Congratulations to Julia!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS JULIA! I'd say you are one lucky girl...

    Jake is a doll...and his photo session is adorable!


  10. Oh Poo! I missed your giveaway! Maybe next time...a big Congrats to the winner! Lauren, Jake is Adorable!!! (:

  11. so glad to see more pictures of Jake he is just the cutest. congratulations to Julia hope she likes the large cuts.

  12. Congrats Julia... and thanks for hosting such a great giveaway

  13. Congrats to Julie! Jake did an awesome job picking a winner... so cute! :)

  14. Jake is adorable, thanks to him for picking the winning name. Congratulations to Julia!

  15. Jake has a wonderful smile and he looked so serious when he was picking the winner, how cute! Congratulations to Julia!

  16. Congratulations to Julia!!! Jake looks like he had a splendid time having his photo taken he is super cute!

  17. Heeheee Jake cracked me up. Congrats to Julia and thank YOU for this fun giveaway.

  18. Congrats Julie! Jake's a cute! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

    Prim Blessings,Jean


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