Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Julia, Julia. Wherefore art thou, Julia?

Julia ~ I'm still waiting for your contact information so I can mail your little kit :)
My first spring flowers are starting to bloom!  I am so excited.  By the time I took this picture this evening, the eranthis (winter aconite) were starting to close up for the night.
Soon my snowdrops will also be blooming.  Woo hoo!
As you can see, I will have lots of yard cleanup once our weather gets a little better.  My trees lose their leaves so late in the fall that I never get them cleaned up before winter.
It's already March 8, so I thought I'd share with you the progress I've made on my Maggie B rug.  If you recall, my goal is to get it hooked during the month of March.  Uh, oh.  I think I'm in BIG trouble :)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. My yards the same way.It was pretty nice today,I got the side of the driveway raked.I can now see all my daffodils comming up.have a great day!blessings michelle

  2. LOL! You've progressed but not in the direction you may have wanted Lauren! Too funny!
    I'm so jealous of those snowdrops! As all we still have are snowflakes!
    Get hookin!
    Cathy G

  3. Your spring flowers are so cute! They give you hope! LOL!

  4. Hi Lauren, Wow, I just checked my blog before going to bed and it's way pass my bed time . It's after midnight and I've been hooking feverishly for the past couple days at every available spare moment on my Grandmother 's Trunk Challenge rug and haven't been on the computer much.

    Thank you so much for this. I'll be waiting anxiously for your little kit to arrive.

    So glad that your spring flowers are already blooming. This is so awesome. Thanks again for this... Hugs Julia

  5. Like your Maggie B rug!! So glad you have some signs of spring springing forth!!

  6. Oh, it's so good to see the little bulbs coming up! I saw daffodils poking up where I work. That pattern is great! Look forward to progress! ;-)

  7. Love the colors in your rug Lauren. Sooo primitive! :)

  8. Don't worry you can still get it done. Don't panic...yet. hehe. Have a good day. Lisa

  9. So i take it you're using some kind of special invisible wool strips on your rug???

  10. It's me again... I went back to an earlier posting that I somehow missed and I want to thank you Lauren again for this giveaway. I also want to thank all your followers who congratulated me but especially handsome Jake for picking my name from all the participants. A great big HUG to both of you and your pugs of course. Have a great week. Julia


    Lauren, I think your rug is going to be wonderful...i love the simplicity of it.

    What a bunch of gorgeous flowers you are getting there...nothing like that poking their heads up here yet. Got snow again in the night (still coming down)


  12. Love the flower pics. And I must say I had a good chuckle at the ending of your post.
    thanks for sharing!

  13. Lauren, what a nice idea - doing a give away. Maybe someday I'll be confident enough and organized enough to do something similar! LOL! Still plugging away on that cardinal mat. I swear it's taking me forever to finish the background! And I'm worried that I'm going to run out of the wool for my background! Aaacckk!!! Loved your pictures! Your grandson is just too adorable!

  14. Lauren, thanks for sharing the flowers! I think we are finally get some signs of spring here in NE! YOu can still get Maggie's design done, you go for it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)