Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Report Card ~ March Goals

Can you believe it is March already?  It did not come in like a lion, but I still hope it goes out like a lamb! 

I guess it's time for my February report card!
  • go through my mound of paperwork that needs to be filed ~ DONE
  • start on my taxes (I always put this off until the last minute) ~ JUST BARELY
  • clean the basement (now my idea of a clean basement and your idea may be totally different!) ~ AS GOOD AS IT GETS
  • clean the bottom of my closet (how does it end up looking like that?) ~ LOOK!  THERE'S HARDWOOD on the FLOOR!
  •  bind and label the little mats that are hooked ~ DONE
  • construct the Valentine pin keep (hopefully before Valentine's day . . . lol!) ~ I got lazy and just finished it in to a little mat but it was sent to my friend BEFORE Valentine's Day 
  •  hook a little mat for a friend ~ DONE and DELIVERED

  • make a birthday gift for a friend~SORRY:( This gift is going to be really late. I have an idea what to make and that's all the further I've gotten.
  • have another give-away ~ this is in progress
  •  FINISH MY HORSE RUG!!! (at least the hooking part) ~  I DID IT ~ WOO HOO!!!  I finished hooking it last Thursday at That'll Do Farm.   I feel as if a weight has been lifted.  It only took me eleven and a half months!!!  (Peanut wanted to help show it off!)
Now it's time for my March goals.
  • make that birthday gift I didn't make last month
  • finish my taxes and get them mailed
  • bind my horse rug
  • make a "wool hookin' tools case" (a pattern by Jenifer Gaston of the Woolen Willow)
  • finish hooking this little tulip mat (once again, Peanut insisted in being in the picture!)
  • OK.  Now I'm really going out on a limb here.  Hook this Maggie B rug from her book "With These Hands".  The finished size is 24 1/2" x 17" and for me to hook that in a month would be a MAJOR accomplishment MIRACLE!
  • purge 4000 (yes, four thousand) emails from my in box.  Why don't I just delete them as they come in???
Last Thursday at the Farm, Andrea also finished her rug - again!  She finished it a number of months ago but was not happy with her needle-felted sheep, so she re-hooked using cria tips, which I believe is the first shearing from a baby alpaca.  The picture does not do justice to the stone chimney!
Last evening I met two local hookers for the first time.  Char is working on only her second rug and Stacy has finished quite a few.  Another local hooker was supposed to come, also, but unfortunately with all the flooding in the county yesterday, she had to attend to a flooded basement.  I didn't even think to get out my camera :(
Thanks to everyone who is spreading the word about my latest give-away. 
Happy Hooking!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I am so impressed with February's list. Great job. And February is a short month!! But the most impressive is finishing the horse rug. Yeahhhhh!
    I love how peanut gets in the photo. What a doll.

  2. You have indeed accomplished a lot! Yet, the list manages to continue! : ) I was just thinking about my own list. I did, just now, finish my rug...but now I need to do the binding (not including the other two that are not bound) and the large looming list beyond that! I love how Peanut just has to squirm her way into any photo op!! She's a secret diva, isn't she?
    Have a great week!

  3. My goodness Lauren, you sure do get things done with your lists. I'm usually a list person but lately I've kind of forgot to make lists. Congratulations on getting so much done. It must feel good.

    Oh My, I never saw so many emails still in the inbox. This is awesome... I had no idea that it could hold that many. I clean mine every time I sit at the computer and I have Gmail and they tell me that I don't need to delete my emails. I delete all the ones from Rug Hooking Daily as they are all on Rug Hooking Daily ning site any way.

    Happy Hooking to you too Lauren. JB

  4. Lauren~

    Peanut is such a sweetie. Not camera shy at all hey? I love your idea of a monthy goal list. I may have to start one of my own.


  5. Happy march and you have quite a list. I love your horse rug! and taxes I hate taxes but that is on my to do list also. I need to get in the habit of making a list maybe I would get more done.

  6. You sure got alot done in Feb.. The time does fly and I hope we aren't complaining about it being hot too soon. LOL! It seems like we are freezing cold or burning hot. Love your rug and your floors. Tommorrow I'm getting our taxes ready, yuck! Have a great evening!

  7. Great goals Lauren - I need to start doing this - maybe then I can find some motivation and stick to it!

  8. I LOVE the horse rug!!! You should be so proud!

  9. Your March list is ambitious, girlfriend! But look how great you did with February ~ I need to take the hint ~ maybe I'll give it a whirl. And you make yourself accountable by posting here!! Brave girl! Good job on the horse rug and binding labeling ~ I'm proud of you!

  10. Hi Lauren,
    WOW! You are finishing off all kinds of necessary stuff!!!
    Maybe I should try The List.
    The Peanut is becoming quite the little personality! Oh, my she's cute.
    Your horse rug looks great! It will be just perfect with all your lovely antiques.

  11. I just found you on another blog anyway LOVE your PUGS.

    I have one little pug Sissy ,who is 12 and still very active what fun dogs we have.

    I have eveything to make a hooked rug (someplace in this house) this makes me want to find it and get started.


  12. Hey girl you got alot accomplished!!!!
    I was happy to FINALLY get the over-a-year locker hooked bunny done!!

    I'm not even thinking about March!!!!

    Peanut is just adorable--and seems like quite the "ham"

  13. You are so funny! Purging my e-mail inbox is on my list too! I've worked on that a little bit while I've been at work today!

  14. You did so great with your Feb list Lauren - I'm not a list or goal maker - It just depresses me when I don't do what I said I was going to do LOL ! Peanut is a cutey but she looks sorta sad - hope she settles in soon. Your horsey rug is great ! congrats - I'm closing in on a big rug finish too - YEAH ! Melody

  15. You go girl! Good luck with the March list. LOVE your horse rug. Of course Peanut makes it even prettier.

    Happy March & Happy (almost) Spring!


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