Sunday, February 27, 2011

So You Want to be a HOOKER??? {{Give~Away}}

~ ~ ~ Welcome Friends ~ ~ ~
I often read comments from people who say they would like to learn to hook, so I've put together a little give-away designed for new or almost new hookers.  It is everything you will need to hook this little kitty mat except for a frame or hoop.  {This is not for the finished mat.}

I've drawn the pattern on primitive linen and have cut the wool in #8 strips.  If you do not have a hook, I will include a beginner's hook.  Rug binding will also be included to finish your mat.
To be entered in the give-away, leave a comment on this post or send me an e-mail with "give-away" in the subject line.  You don't need to be a follower, but I really hope that you will be.  I will have my grandson draw the winner Thursday, March 3 at 4:00 pm.
Since so many of my loyal followers are already seasoned hookers, I'd appreciate you spreading the word. 
Peanut is settling in quite nicely, though we have had a few potty issues.  I'm giving her a few "get out of jail free" cards since her life was turned upside down yesterday.  She is very sweet and was referred to as a "Velcro" dog and I think that is an apt description.  Last night she snuggled up to my knees all night. 
Here's a little hooked mat I started that Peanut decided to pose next to.  Isn't she just too cute?
The temperatures are rising here in Ohio and the snow is quickly melting. Rain and wind are in the forecast for tomorrow.

Only 21 days until spring!!!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Peanut is posing for the camera - too cute! I'll put your giveaway on my sidebar tomorrow.

  2. Lauren, Peanut is too cute and I like the way she sits.

    I think that it's very generous of you to have this giveaway. I'm not exactly a new hooker but I'm working on my forth ( my Childhood Memories) and I have designed another for Sunnie's Grandmother's Trunk Challenge but I never hooked with a wide cut. I'v e used #3, #4,#5 and #6 cuts. I would love to be included in your giveaway if you please. I would like to try hooking with a wide cut for a change to see if I like it

    Thanks for giving me this chance. JB.

  3. Oh Lauren, I would love to learn to rug hook! What an awesome giveaway! I'm a follower.

  4. Oh Lauren what a wonderful give away! Peanut looks like she is settling in just fine.
    have a great week

  5. What a wonderful give-away Lauren - you are so great to do this for new hookers! Hugs to you! Peanut looks like she's settling in wonderfully!

  6. I've added your Giveaway to my sidebar after I posted my blog post. This is the first time that I did this. I'm still learning. Good luck everyone. Winning is always fun. JB

  7. Ohhhh...This giveaway is purr-fect for me! I want to learn to hook so badly and I just love kitties! Please enter me! I'm already a follower and I will also post this on my blog.

    Thanks so much - can't wait to see who wins!

  8. Tried to hook a couple of years back......thought I wasn't doing it right and stopped, wish I kept tiring. ....Maybe I will someday again.
    Will be posting on my blog and what cute dogie pic's.

  9. What a wonderful giveaway !! Please enter me !! I want soooo bad to learn to hook !! And...Peanut is precious !!

  10. Hi Lauren....I also have a velcro dog. I thought my hubby Greg invented that description of my Oni. He also calls him a mommy's baby and a wuss!! But I love my Oni. Love having him attached to me..... lol.


  11. What a great giveaway for a beginner!! I'll post on my sidebar later today for you! Cute little doggy already snuggled in with her foster sweet. Love the design of your kit!

  12. Peanut is precious :). I hope each day she feels more and more comfortable.
    What a thoughtful giveaway Lauren! Some new rug hooker is going to be thrilled to win it!!!

  13. Lauren.......what a generous way for you to help us beginners. If I lived near you I would be over pestering you all the time for advice!
    I am always confused about the cut of wool and the direction to hook the wool.
    Have a good day!

  14. I've wanted to learn to hook so badly! This would be a perfect start! Count me in! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. You are so generous! I don't need to be entered in the giveaway... but wanted to tell you "thank you" for paying it forward! I love to see crafters (anyone for that matter!) pay it forward so others can learn and enjoy. :) You are a sweetheart!

  16. now this giveaway is right up my alley... My new years resolution is to learn to hook... as of now I have not had a chance to do so. Please enter me in your giveaway. My fingers are crossed.... I am a follower
    oh and Peanut is just adorable. seems to like the camera..LOL
    Thank you

  17. OMgosh Lauren...PEANUT is just adorable. I love that he loves to snuggle too - nothing better than a pet that loves to be by you.

    Please sign me up for your wonderful Give A-way....something easy like this would be awesome to 'start' on - and how generous of you. So wishing myself luck!


  18. Lauren - What a thoughtful giveaway! Hope you can find the perfect someone to help out with this beginning project, and that they'l get 'hooked' on hooking!

  19. Not that I need another hobby but rug hooking has always intrigued me. This would be a GREAT opportunity to give it a try. Thanks for your generosity. Also, your generosity to animals. It takes a special person to foster!

  20. Peanut seems to be very photogenic!!! I'll add this to my sidebar!!

  21. Lauren, So would love to be entered in you giveaway. This is somthing. maybe I shouldn't start...LOL... but so love all the hook rugs you show off! OLM

  22. I would love to enter your giveaway! I have never tried rug hooking but have always wanted to. Peanut is a doll. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. My first time stopping by your blog, love the idea you doing dog rescue, that is so needed all over, I am absolutely a animal lover , be it.... Cats, dogs, horses and my favorite four-legged creatures is the Buffalo... I eventually want to do a Buffalo rug, but have not picked out a design. Your giveaway is totally wonderful. How nice of you to help out and get a new hooker started, that is so sweet! Have a great week!

  24. Lauren, I've always wanted to learn to hook. This is a great giveaway idea! Please count me in, I am a follower and love to read about your rescues.
    Prim Blessings,

  25. Please toss my name into the hat. I'm uninspired right now and this might be just the thing to wake me up! Thank you for offering such a thoughtful, generous give away :)

  26. Lauren~

    Peanut is such a cutie!! I love the "pose".

    What a generous giveaway. I do know how to hook, but have so much other stuff going on that I rarely take the time. While I think I would enjoy making your little kitty rug, I will sit this one out. A girl shouldn't be greedy & I've already won 1 of your fabulous giveaways. I'm lovin my blue heart rug!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  27. I'll be happy to enter your giveaway, Miss Lauren ~ and if I'm the winner, I'll give it to my friend, MJ, who is a beginning hooker ~ one of my students ~ and she'd love it!! You're very kind ~ but you know that already!!

  28. Such a generous giveaway for someone wanting to learn! Someone is sure to be very pleased. I'll put it on my sidebar.

  29. I would love to learn to hook. I even have some old hooks because my grandmother was a "hooker".

  30. Hi Lauren, yes, I've been dreaming of hooking and started by collecting some yummy wools, but no designs or hook. Your blog has long been great inspiration to me, I'd love to join the fun, thx for the chance. Good luck to all.

    stitchinsweetsue at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)