Saturday, February 26, 2011

Found a Peanut ~

 {{Does anyone remember that song?}}
* * * * * * * * * * *
Well, I didn't actually "find" her
but I did pick her up this morning.
Peanut is my new foster baby.
She is a six year old female
who is an adoption return.
She is on the small side for a pug.
I'm guessing she weighs in about 15 pounds.
Don't you just love that senior muzzle? 

I have very mixed feelings.
She had been in her "not quite forever" home for 2 years.
There have been some aggression issues
that have apparently gotten much worse
with the addition of 2 smaller dogs in the house.
(I think they are a family member's dogs.)
The lady cried the whole time we were doing the return.
I did feel very sorry for her
but I wonder if she really tried
to deal with the aggression.
I also felt so sorry for Peanut. 
When they were pulling away,
Peanut was at the passenger window
"crying" for her momma
and that was heartbreaking, too.
Peanut was introduced
to my Loocie.
They sniffed butts
(what I call the canine Google search)
and all was well.
I hope it is a case of
Peanut just not liking
the dogs she lived with ~
or perhaps she needs to be
an only dog.
Whatever the case,
I will love her
until she finds
her forever, forever home.
Thank you for all your sweet comments
about my Eema.
It tugged at my heart a little
that she did not remember me
(even though I did not think she would)
but it made me feel good
knowing that she is so secure and loved
by her forever family
that she doesn't need
to remember me.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Here you go again ~ you are an angel!! That little Peanut dog is cute!

  2. Poor little Peanut! I'm sure you'll be more matter of fact dealing with any aggression issues. It seems people let these things simmer too long before they set the boundaries with the doggies. Your experience will be wonderful for Peanut to feel secure!
    Keep us posted!

  3. In a way, Lauren, I am glad that we don't live close by to each other. The reason is because I think that I would want to adopt all your pugs!

    Never had a pug but have had two rescue Jack Russels. I used to "buy" my pets, now I only will take rescue babies.

  4. Peanut is a cutie. I know that you will be able to deal with the aggression issue. Probably just a bad match at her former home. Take care of Loocie - I'm sure all will be well.

  5. As soon as I read your title I started singing that song. Now I hope I can get it out of my head later tonight! LOL
    Peanut is sweet. It must have been such a difficult pick up with all the tears. I hope Peanut's issues disappear in your loving care.

  6. Oh poor Peanut! I hope her former home did all they could for her but doesn't sound like it. Hopefully there is no medical reason for the aggression! I feel soooo bad for senior's like her. She is lucky to be with you Lauren!

  7. Funny that you mentioned that song. My daughter and I were signing that song to my new born grandson, James when I was in Ottawa about a week ago. Found a peanut, found a peanut , found a peanut last night..... it was rotten....

    I hope that peanut will find a suitable home before too long. He can't be that rotten, maybe just a bit unsecured. JB

  8. oh poor peanut! the second picture looks like a mug shot. I sure hope she finds her forever home. you are one wonderful lady

  9. I am very glad there are people like you that will love and let go. I think that would be very hard to let them go to someone. I hope your time with peanut will be a fun time. Lisa

  10. My daddy would sing that song on road trips. I am sure your peanut is not rotten!! What a sweet face. I hope he finds a forever home where he is loved unconditionally. After all isn't that just what we all need.

  11. I totally have a soft spot for those graying muzzles. How lucky that Peanut could come back to you to hopefully sort out his "issues" and perhaps find a real forever home. Those pugs are lucky to have you in their corner.

  12. Such a beautiful Dog...I'm sure she will find a wonderful home with you for however long it takes...must break your heart to part with them...Good to have people like you around....thanks from all doggies..

  13. How sad for Peanut, It must be so hard on those little dogs to keep having to adjust each time they are moved. Sad, Sad, Sad!
    Our little Aussie has a few aggression issues ... But, I would never consider getting rid of him ... We are just going to work through them (I hope).
    Thank you for sharing Peanut's story.
    BTW, great giveaway!

  14. AAAAAWWWW--poor Peanut!!! Maybe those other dogs were picking on her. She looks like a sweetie and I know you will spoil her!!!


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