Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Visit with Eema ~

Many of you will remember my foster Eema,
the former puppy mill momma
who was adopted last fall.
I fostered her for 11 1/2 months. 
She lives about ten minutes from
That'll Do Farm where I was headed this evening
to hook for a bit.
I have only seen her once since she went
to her furever home
so I was glad to have the opportunity
to see her this evening.
Oh, she looks so beautiful
with her coat all shiny.
 She still has her snaggle-tooth grin :)
 Here she is with her Ohio Pug Rescue
sister Cher.
 Cher reminds me
of the Flying Nun.
 Eema still loves her treats.
{I affectionately called her
my chunky monkey.}

Isn't she just too sweet?
She is being spoiled in her forever home
She did not remember me,
but that's okay.
I am just so happy for her.
All furbabies deserve a life
such as she has.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren~

    Eema looks so happy!! I'm sure it was wonderful to get to visit with her. Enjoy your evening.


  2. She looks very happy! So sorry she didn't remember you!!

  3. I know that warms your heart to see Eema doing so well!!

  4. It's strange that she didn't seem to remember you. Maybe that shows she's bonded fully with her new home and has accepted a new "pack leader". The pugs are so cute. Such expressions they have!!
    Take care,

  5. How good to see Eema! Eloise and I ofter think of her. She looks so happy and FAT! Her new home must really agree with her. I hope she didn't hurt your feelings, after all, she needed to bond with the new family.

  6. How wonderful that she is so happy in her new home! A great success story...

    As's an awesome thing you do fostering the dogs until their forever family shows up...hugs

  7. It nice that you got to visit with her and share pics with us. We all got attached to Eema while you fostered her. As I read through the post I was hoping and hoping she remembered you when you walked in. It made me a little sad, but it also means so has a new good, loving home so I guess that balances it.

  8. I believe EEma had quite a few "cyber foster mom's" out here!!

    she looks so happy!!! You can tell she is one spoiled rotten pug--and after what she went through--she deserves the good life!

    I hear thru the grapevine you might have a peanut soon!!!!

  9. Now that my friend is one happy story. You do such good work. and she is a chunky monkey

  10. ohhh, sweet Eema! she is sooo cute!

  11. Oh Lauren, I'm so happy that you got to see her..I want to believe that her heart remembered loved her after all. You are an angel to all of them! Sending you hugs~


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