Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Little Piece of my Heart ~

I was told when your first foster is adopted, you will cry and when your second foster is adopted you will cry....

I've been fostering Eema just shy of one year. She is the 6th pug I have fostered through Ohio Pug Rescue in just over two years. She came to me as a seven year old recently out of a puppy mill. She was not housebroken, shy and unloved. Her tail was always never up and wagging. She was never allowed to be a pug. I am so thankful to have fostered her and allowed her that freedom. Today she went to her forever home. It was worth waiting a year to find her the perfect home. Her new mommy Dolly is on the left and her two-legged sister Rachel on the right. Her new daddy wasn't home. Rachel doesn't live there but was there waiting for Eema and plans to visit her often.
Dolly was so sweet. She had read my blog and found this sweet miniature piece of pottery that she thought would fit in with my stuff. It's less than an inch tall and one and a quarter inches in diameter. It is from Anita's Pottery in Sesgrove, North Carolina. Sesgrove is the birthplace of North Carolina traditional pottery. That was just so thoughtful of her. Dolly, if you are reading this THANK YOU!
The house seems strangely empty. I'm upstairs and Eema is not whining for me to carry her up. Like I've said in the past, fostering is very bittersweet. I just know I did what was best for my Eema girl (written through a few tears!).

Enjoy your new life Eema!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren!!! I am crying just reading this... Just know she is in good loving home! What you have done is a wonderful thing as I have had 2 rescue dogs. OLM

  2. Awwww ~ you did do a wonderful thing for Eema in taking such good care of her and in finding her the perfect forever home! Her new mommy was very sweet to give you a gift ~ that tells you how good she'll be to little Eema! Job well done, Lauren!

  3. Your heart is so big and unselfish to be able to do this for eema, there is a special place in heaven for you. I couldn't get through your post without tears. God bless.

  4. Lauren, So happy you found her a forever home. I for one, will be forever grateful to the woman who fostered Lonnie, and like you, waited for the perfect fit. There were many tears the day I picked him up and I will be forever grateful! Many blessings to you!

  5. I read with tears in my eyes, too. Our Gretchen and now Heidi were rescue dogs (mixed breeds), and we couldn't understand how anyone could mistreat either sweetie. Louise, the woman who helped us get Heidi, is a Bushon rescue foster Mom. She keeps adopting them though, and now has six, all with health issues. God bless people like Louise and you!

  6. Oh Lauren, Eloise and I are both crying. We are sad that Eema will not be on your blog but we have tears of happiness for her in finding a forever home. I hope that you get to visit and keep us posted on her life. I don't know how you could part with her - such a sweet face - you are very brave. Love ya'

  7. This is one of those moments that are happy and sad at the same time. Bless those of you that can be so brave.

  8. Congratulations to you for turning Eema into a dog that could be adopted. Not an easy task. You have given her the confidence she needed to go out and live the live she was intended to live. Now half those tears you are shedding should be tears of happiness, too.

  9. Hi Lauren,
    I sat here and cried when I read about Eema. I am so happy for her and it looks like she and her new Mommy are bonding and enjoying each other.

    But no more Eema stories!!! I will miss her sweet little face on your blog! I can't imagine how much YOU will miss her!!! You did such a great job bringing her from a neglected puppy mill dog to a happy and outgoing little companion. She will never forget your patience and kindness!

  10. I am crying but I am so relieved that there are wonderful people like you that nurture dogs - even the older ones - and help them find their forever homes. You are truely a special person! Bless you. SUE

  11. I'm crying a bit for you--but I know another pug awaits your love.
    Fostering is such a blessing--I know--I now have the results of the love of a foster mom in Billy & KaeKae--my rescue chi's.
    BTW-- I got a thrifted pet stroller ($20 in perfect condition) to take Bill 7 Kae on walks (neither can walk far due to health issues) Bill sits in it all resigned at mom's craziness. Kae LOVES it!! She sits up in it all excited like she is Cleopatra riding down the nile on the Royal Barge.

  12. What a wonderful thing that you do for them.
    It is hard not to get attached, but to know they will get the love and care they deserve, must be so rewarding.


  13. Oh Lauren, wish I was there to give you a great big "pug hug." I'll be thinking of you over the next days as you adjust. Looks like Eema will have a wonderful new home. Job well done!!

  14. I chanced upon your blog and realized I'd come across a special person who could dedicate themselves to such a worthy cause.

  15. AWWW so sad - I'm sure you will miss her for a long time - hope she has a wonderful forever home and that your sadness fades away soon. Loved your pugwash tshirt - too cute ! Mel

  16. big pug hugs for you Lauren as you miss that little wonderful to be able to foster a girl long enough for her to find the perfect forever home...we'll all miss her sweet face here...


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