Wednesday, September 29, 2010

100 Followers Give~Away

Welcome Friends!
As promised, since I've surpassed 100 followers, I'm having another give~away. At this point, it's a mystery give~away. It's even a mystery to me! It will be something made by me, but I just haven't figured out yet what it will be :)
As always, the rules are simple. Leave a comment on this post or email me with "give~away" in the subject line. You don't need to be a follower but I'd love it if you were. If you post as "anonymous", be sure to include your email address so I know how to contact you if I draw your name. I will pick the winner next Tuesday at 8p.
I've got an Eema update. She is doing GREAT! I've gotten a few emails from her new mommy. She is going for walks in the park, went shopping at PetsMart and got a new coat and has a special spot on the couch. Her new pug sister Cher is joining the family this evening. She is another pug being adopted through Ohio Pug Rescue. It is strange here without her, but I couldn't be happier for her. A happy pug and a happy family is what makes fostering so rewarding. Please remember, if you are looking for a pet, ADOPT! If adoption is not right for you and you must buy, find a reputable breeder. Do not purchase a pet - any pet - from a pet store. (Well, I suppose fish would be OK.) These animals are the products of puppy mills and puppy mill dogs and puppies live in deplorable conditions!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Well said...I agree totally. Puppy mills are disgusting and should be banned, if at all possible..

    Love your little girl in the pumpkin..cute...

  2. lauren, So would love to be entered in your surprise giveaway!! So glad Eema is adjusting! OLM

  3. I'm so glad Eema is settling in to her new home. Sounds like she is already her new Mommy's little darling! Clothing shopping already!!! LOL!
    Unfortunately we have MANY puppy mills in our area. All the local vets warn people about buying from them and the pet stores that support them. PA supposedly has laws to control the puppy mills, but they don't seem to be enforced.
    I agree, please adopt from a shelter!

  4. My heart is so much lighter knowing that Eema has such a wonderful forever Mom! Even a sister! You must be elated! Another give-away! I just got my patterns mailed today to the winners in mine! It is so exciting! I love surprises!!!
    Cathy g

  5. Forgot to tell you Congrats! on the 103 followers!
    Cathy G

  6. So happy for her.... I just take in all the needy critters. They bring such love and friendship...and please count me in on the mystery prize!

  7. Please enter me in your giveaway....I am a follower....Thank you...

  8. I'm so happy for Eama. You are a wonderful women to be a foster mommy.

    I would love to be entered in your mystery giveaway.


  9. Oooh a mystery giveaway - how fun and congrats on the followers!

    So happy for Eema - what a great thing for her and she's already going to have a new sister! I'm sure you miss her but then again with Eema's new Mom keeping you updated - that's probably very comforting! Take care

  10. woohoo 103 followers! put me in for your give away. So glad to hear that eema is doing so well. I have only had adopted pets and all have been a blessing.

  11. A mystery giveaway -- how very Agatha Christie. Happy to know Eema is doing well. One of our dogs is a rescue, Annie. She's an unusual little thing, but I couldn't imagine life without her.

  12. Eloise and I are so glad that Eema is happy with her new mommy! Gosh, and a sister, too. Hope you can still keep us posted from time to time. Love to be in your giveaway. Congrats on so many followers!

  13. Please enter me in your giveaway, mysteries are fun!!!! I am a follower!

  14. Wonderful news about Eema. Please pick me for your mystery giveaway......I love surprises. 103 followers - awesome.

  15. Glad to hear Eema is doing so well. I would love to be entered into your mystery give-a-way. Thanks for the chance.

  16. Gosh, I feel like I've missed so much in the past few weeks. Glad that Emma is doing well. Wish we could have adopted a dog before we got Bailey, but it wasn't to be. Too many restrictions and we don't have a fenced in yard. A major bad thing in the eyes of the rescue centers. Would love to be entered into your giveaway!

  17. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I am Eema is doing so well in her new home! What a wonderful thing for you to do. I hope you are having a wonderful week!


  18. I would love a chance to win your mystery gift. Perhaps a pug?? I agree about puppy mills. I used to "purchase" my pets in the past, but now I am an avid supporter of pet rescue. I have my second Jack Russell rescue. The first one, was exactly like Emma and I was able to give her a good, stable home for five years. She died in 2007 of Kidney disease.

  19. A mystery give-away--COOL

    I was wondering this morning if you had heard from Eema's new mommy. Sounds like she has settled in and is "ruling the roost"...LOLOLOL

  20. A mystery is always grand, thanks for the fun giveaway. How exciting to hear how Emma is doing. Love the update and your pics of the pugs always make me smile. They are my fav.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  21. Wow... a mystery. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. So happy Eema is doing well in her forever home.

  22. It is 104 followers now - no wonder! You are such a thoughtful blogger, not only for what you blog about but for the encouraging and thoughtful comments you make on other blogs. Thank you, I would love to enter for the mystery Give-Away. SUE

  23. Oh lucky you to have a hundred followers!!! How cool. Enter me in your giveaway. Perhaps I should try something like that to increase my followers!!! I am excited that I have a whopping NINE followers. And.....from a fellow rescue person, former dog breeder and conformation show can never be said enough to ADOPT!!!!! Thanks!!!!!, Karen

  24. Lauren
    Wonderful news about Emma. I know it was hard to part with her but she is in a great new home and you have room now to foster another needy pug.
    As a faithful follower, I am excited about our group reaching 100! Would love to be the winner of the give-away as anything you make has to be fabulous!

  25. Please enter me in your surprise giveaway. I sure would love to win.

  26. Hi Lauren,
    Congratulations on 100+ followers!!!

    I just wanted to let you know that my AMAZING hooked rug, I won from you, arrived yesterday.
    Oh My Goodness, I LOVE it!!!

    Thanks so very much!!!!! I will be sure to show it off on my next blog post.

    Since I just won your last giveaway, I'll sit this one out but I just wanted to stop by and say Congratulations and Thank you!!! :)

    Good luck everyone!!

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  27. A perfect month for a mystery! So happy Eema is doing well in her new family, and how nice it was for the new owners to keep you updated. That has to feel wonderful. You did a great job! How blessed you will be :).


    Hi, so many blogs having give aways!
    I don't enter too many - can't get around to all of them it seems.

    I love mysteries and anything you come up with would be a treasure so PLEASE ENTER ME IN YOUR GIVE AWAY....

    And I'm so glad Eema is happy as well as her new family and it does make it easier for you that's for sure...

    Enjoy your Sunday.
    kmprimitives at yahoo dot com

  29. #107 here. Just out searching and oddly enough it was for dog rescues! We do dog rescue and placement for dachshunds! We have 9 ourselves. I love what you have done for Eema and Cher.
    While I'm here I shall ask to please be entered in your mysterious giveaway! I love surprises, too. :)

  30. Please enter me in your mystery give away.
    I am a new follower.
    Love your stories of the pugs.

  31. Congratulations on 100 followers! I'd love to enter your mystery giveaway. You pugs are adorable.

  32. Lauren......your work is beautiful. I would loved to be entered in your give away.

  33. Hi ! OMG - I just read your post and saw the darling needle punch mat and realized I did not enter your giveaway ! WHOOOO - thanks for the reminder and congrats on reaching and exceeding the 100 follower mark! Don't think I'll ever get there ! Thanks Melody

  34. That is one beautiful needle punch giveaway! Who wouldn't want that? Well, I certainly hope to be the lucky one. Congratulations on 100 followers. No blog for me, so here's my email:


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)