Friday, September 24, 2010

Pugwash ~

No, it's not a dog wash for pugs, but a village in Nova Scotia. According to Wikipedia, the population in 2006 was a whopping 784 people. The village, home to fishing, salt mining and small scale manufacturing is at the mouth of the Pugwash River. (In a local dialect, pugwash means deep river.)

Three fellow hookers, Carole, Deanna and Arlene were in Nova Scotia taking a class from Deanna Fitzpatrick and upon passing through Pugwash on several occasions, thought of me and brought me home my very own Pugwash t-shirt. How sweet and thoughtful of them. Thank you so much, ladies!!!
At Tuesday's hook-in, Rhonda from My Glory Stars gave me this magnetic scissors holder. Another sweet gesture and what a handy little gadget. Thanks Rhonda!
For you cat lovers out there, stop by Karen's blog, Through the Barn Door. She has some great pictures of her cat named Sheridan.

Once again, congrats to Tammy for winning my recent give-away. I am up to 99 followers, so if I'm having another give-away at 100, I'd better get busy!

My next post will show you some of the finished rugs displayed at the hook-in and one of these days I'll share some more rugs from Sauder Village.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Awww....Lauren, thanks for the shout-out in your blog about my silly cat, Sheridan!! Sure wish we were closer so we could hook together....and I want to know where you got the tag for your blog that says 'proud to be a hooker'!

    Hook away!

  2. Hey Lauren,
    Congratulations, on having so many followers.
    Love the art work on the t-shirt!
    Now I'm off to sneek around the barn door!

  3. Love the flying cat!

    Oh, Pugwash!!! That's too funny! Somehow I like the idea of a pugwash being a doggie scrubbing device! Like a little showerstall along the street that says "PUGWASH 10 CENTS". Wouldn't that be cute?!
    A rug idea, maybe?
    Anyhow, great t-shirt!

  4. Who ever thought there would be a place called Pugwash? I love it!!! You must go for a visit and take some rescue Pugs - bet they would find homes!

  5. Well I think by the time tonight is up you will have reached 100!!!!

    What a grand name for a town...and I see why the girls thought of you and how sweet of them to bring back a T-shirt...what sweet, nice friends!


  6. LOL I live 35 minute drive from Pugwash and I have never thought of the name in the "dog" way! Hope your friends enjoyed their time in Nova Scotia.

  7. Love the magnet! Rhonda made me one also and I love it. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Lauren
    Just dropped in on your blog...very interesting, to say the least. I had heard of Pugwash but like Kim didn't think of it in "dog" term..:) :) Your Emma is so cute.
    I,too, have one of those little magnets that I bought. I love it. I was always searching for my scissors; now I have no worries...
    Will look in again soon....


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)