Sunday, October 3, 2010

Whole Lot of Nothin'

To say I didn't accomplish anything of importance this weekend is an understatement! Yesterday BFF Belinda and I planned to go to the outdoor fall antique/craft festival. The weather was less than ideal for an outdoor show, so we passed on it hoping today would be a better day to attend. Today was much worse! We've gotten some much needed rain, but along with it came 50 degree temperatures and strong winds. I feel sorry for all the vendors who spent so much time and money getting ready for the show. It had to be disastrous for them.
I did get lucky on Friday by winning a give~away on Becky's blog, Primitives n Stitchin. Speaking of give~aways, I have been feverishly working on the mystery give~away. At least it's no longer a mystery to me! Check out my previous post to enter.
I've also been working on some cross stitch this weekend. I really did forget how much I enjoy it. I find it so relaxing. I will share it with you soon.
It's back to work tomorrow. I am thankful to have a job but the weekends sure don't last long enough. There's just not enough time to play!
Thanks so much for dropping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren - it is hard to figure out why Sat and Sun go by so fast. None of us have enough weekend time. Sorry your craft show hunting got rained out but we need the rain so bad. Have a wonderful week.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get much accomplished this weekend. :)
    Congratulations on winning a giveaway - I really did try to pull your name (maybe next time) LOL

  3. I am with you never enough weekend. When Monday rolls around I always feel like what happened. Have a great week.

  4. Hi Luaren,
    Congratulations on your winning!
    Our weather here has been rainy and dreary too (and cold), but after our super dry summer, I will try not to complain, I will try not to complain, I will try....
    Oh Drat! I like SUN!
    dBack to work YUCK! Is that kitty co-worker behaving himself since the Coke incident?

  5. I purposely did not leave the house this weekend just to see if the weekend was any longer - NOT - so go forth and have fun will be my motto from now on ! I'm anxious to see your cross stitch project - No matter how much I love to hook and knit - there is always a place in my life for stitching. Nothing like sitting in a chair with a piece of linen and needle in hand. Have a good week! Mel


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