Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mom would have liked this ~ ~ ~

My Mom was probably the original recycler, the original thrift queen. It took me many years, decades actually, to understand why. She was brought up during the depression by a widowed mother from the "old country", with three children to support. Mom says they never went hungry but they ate soup every night. It was all they could afford. She doesn't know how my Grandma did it, but she did.

Nothing pleased Mom more than starting a plant from a seed or a snip off a plant. My brother had hung a bird feeder near Mom's front picture window so she could look out and enjoy the birds. I truly believe this volunteer sunflower grew in her honor. It faced the house as if to say "Aggie look. Here I am." The funny thing is that it was facing north, rather than south.
Here is the mimosa tree Mom started from a seed 7 or 8 years ago. She planted it in a pot and nurtured it all winter in her kitchen. Come spring, I planted it in the yard in the exact spot she wanted. This year, it is probably 8 to 9 feet tall.

Mimosas have the airiest of leaves, almost frond-like.
This year her tree bloomed for the very first time. It brought tears to my eyes when I saw them.
A close-up. Oh, Mom would have been so proud of the tree, but I'm sure she knows they are there and is smiling down on us all.
Isn't this just the sweetest picture? How can you not love those faces? That's Eema on the left and Loocie on the right.

Last evening I spoke with a possible forever home for Eema. I love her to pieces and will cry when she is adopted, but the reason I foster is for the pug to find a forever home. It is very bittersweet but so very rewarding. Anyway, once again, Eema is stuck with me. The lady lives in an apartment and because Eema sometimes howls when I am gone (though I don't know how long she carries on), the lady was afraid she would disturb her neighbors. Poor Eema is just the sweetest thing, but now she's been rejected because she weighed too much, because she can be bad in the car, and now because of this. I mean, I understand, but the longer she is with me (and it's been a LONG TIME), the harder it will be for her (and for me, too). Say a little prayer that the perfect home comes along soon, or she may be stuck with me as her forever mom :-)

As always, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my blog. I really do appreciate each and every one of you.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    I love the flowers that have grown to honor your Mother. Her spirit must be smiling! Her love for growing things lives on.

    Oh, those dear little pug girls! They are so cute!!! Maybe the difficulty in finding a adoptive home for Eema is a sign. She seems to be doing so well with you....

  2. Isn't it amazing the things God sends to comfort us with in memory of someone we loved. I mean a sunflower that isn't following the sun, and a tree blooming for the first time. Warms my heart.
    I'm also thinking poor Eema might just need to stay with you all forever. Big help I am huh?

  3. Lauren ~ I love the symbolism of the sunflower facing the window ~ and the mimosa tree flowering for the first time! Your mom does see and no doubt is happy that you are here to share in the show they're putting on!! Now, I would be a person who would love a mimosa tree in my yard ~ a tree that has drinks on it!! Woo Hoo! Oh ~ different kind of mimosa ~

  4. Lauren,
    I am sure your Mom is watching and smiling as the plants bloom for you. I believe she had a hand in it! God works in mysterious ways, right!
    And add me to the list of people who think Eema is already in her forever home. :)

  5. That tree is very beautiful! The leaves and flowers are really something. Very fitting they should be doing so well in honor of your Mom who loved them too. I get so sad thinking Eema may have to leave you! I really enjoy seeing what she is up too. She deserves someone who can give her all the love she deserves despite the little doggy things she cannot help. Hopefully the right thing for the both of you will come to light soon!!
    Prayers and Hugs for you all!
    Cathy G

  6. Great story about the tree! What a neat tree too!
    So I know so important it is to foster & find great homes for these special dogs, here's hoping Eema gets one soon! OLM

  7. Such a wonderful post. Mimosa trees are some of my favorites and I have one planted in our front yard. How very special that your Mom planted it from a seed. Your lil' pugs are just way cute.

  8. Lauren-what a special blessing--truly heaven-sent. I love when things like that happen. My 8 year old daughter calls them "God sightings."

    And as someone who has rescued two several German Shepherds in the past, thank you for fostering those special little pugs. Hoping their forever homes are just around the corner!

  9. Oh Lauren, the flowers are lovely for your mother.
    I don't see how you could bear to give up Eema, she's so sweet. I think she has found her forever home!
    (Moments in Time)

  10. love the story about your mom!!! The pugs are too cute--but I don't think that Eema would consider it being "stuck" with you as her forever mom ;D

  11. Did a bird drop that sunflower seed and it sprouted or did you start it? I have a whole bunch in my garden from the birds dropping seeds. The ones I started in the house and planted outside have died. My grandma's name was Aggie too :)

  12. Lauren, What a great story! I've Never seen a sunflower face the north! I also love mimosa trees. I don't guess I've ever seen the seed pods or I would have tried to start one too!
    And I hate to say it, but I must agree with everyone else...Eema seems to be home!
    xo, Sheri

  13. Dear Lauren,

    Pugs are like Lays Potato Chips, no one can have just one....

    Love and light,
    Rudy and Bella
    (the puggie babies at Mindy's house)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)