Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthdays & Daisies on Steroids ~

A very happy birthday to my son Bill (aka Billy Vegas). He's celebrating his birthday today. Niece Elise will be celebrating her birthday on Wednesday. I love you both :-)
Welcome everyone! I hope your weekend was filled with what makes you happiest! My weekend wasn't as productive as I had hoped, but everything I did not get done will be waiting for me tomorrow...and the day after that!
This afternoon I went and floated in BFF Belinda's pool for an hour. Now that is my idea of heaven (and I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing me in a bathing!). She has so many gardens to take care of and I have never seen a perennial this tall! These daisies must be 8 or 9 feet tall and the bee balm in front about 5 feet tall! Unbelievable!
Friday evening at our local metropark on Lake Erie, a swing band performed. It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor concert and the band was outstanding! The setting sun.

Saturday evening was spent on DSO's balcony listening to a "Jimmy Buffet" band playing across the street. His music is so much fun. I sat sewing the binding on this little mat that I finished hooking a couple of months ago. (I think I've mentioned at least once or twice how I hate the actual "finishing" process!) It was for Belinda's birthday ~ that was at the end of May! Shame on me, but better late than never, right?
These weekends just go by too fast! I am just thankful that I have a job to go to on Monday morning. Hopefully this week I will have enough sense to get to bed earlier than I did last week, though I am not off to a very good start! By Friday, I was about ready to drop.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy Birthday, Bill and Elise!!!
    Two very handsome young people!

    WOW, those are some tall flowers! Just amazing! Was it Miracle Grow??? LOL!!!

    Love the flag mat! She'll be happy even if it is late. What a nice gift.

    Hope your week goes well!

  2. Lauren - sounds like a wonderful weekend - Happy Birthday to you son and niece!

    Beautiful flowers!

    Ah soaking in a pool - how nice! And I agree with Pat even if it's late - so what - she'll love it!

  3. Love those daisies! I've never seen them get that tall... must be that nice breeze off the lake!

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I have that variety of daisies, they get really tall.
    Happy Birthday to your son and niece!

  5. happy birthday to all. I hate to finish a rug that is why you will very rarely see me whip a rug binding. Sounds like your weekend was wonderful. My meter on if it was a good weekend or day for that matter I think if I was on my death bed would I be glad of the way I spent my day. Because in the end that is all that matters. No one will ever say Holy cow she didn't get her chores done before she passed away.


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