Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Day Spent with Friends ~

I know I've posted about Bucyrus, Ohio before, but today we took our dear friends Neal and Judy to see the murals painted by Eric Grohe. They (the murals, not Neal and Judy!) are a site to see. Visit his website to learn more about him and to see murals he has painted throughout the United States. The size and detail is beyond comprehension. You can see more photos and detail in my February 7, 2010 post. (Sorry, I don't know how to link to an old post.)
It's hard to believe this is painted on a building and is one dimensional. (Sorry I cut the top of the building off. When the sun is shining, I can't see what I'm taking with a digital camera.)

Neal is a very talented local artist, specializing in pen and ink drawings. I think he has drawn every local landmark in our county. Here is my house portrait that Fritz commissioned Neal to draw a few Christmases ago. (That is glare from the flash over the garage.)

Here is the black and white version. This photo is taken from a note card.

Judy was so sweet. She gave me these three old bobbins that she's had for at least 40 years. (She must have gotten them when she was!) They have the most wonderful patina and I will treasure them always. Thanks, Judy :)

I can't believe another weekend is over and it's back to work tomorrow. I'll have a short week, though. I'm taking Friday off work and heading to the rug show at Sauder Village. I will take LOTS of pictures to share.

Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren...sounds like you had a great weekend. Those murals are awesome! Have a great time at Sauder Village...will look forward to photos!

  2. Those murals are stunning! I can only imagine what it's like to stand next to them! Those bobbins are perfect! You can just place them in a shelf and instant decoration! Love the drawing of your home too... gee! You have some wonderful goodies in this post!!! :-)

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the murals. They are magnificent!
    Love the drawings of your house. What a great gift!
    Nice old bobbins, too.
    Hope you have a great time at Sauder Village. Can't wait to see the pics!

  4. Lauren,
    My mom was born and raised in Bucyrus. I haven't been there for a long time. Looks like I need to check those out, they are beautiful.
    I love your house!! What a treasure. Have a great time at Sauder.

  5. Those murals are unbelievable - you lucky dog getting to go to Sauder - I hope to make it there one day - hey didn't I say that last year and the year before that ? oh well one can dream! Have fun and make it a short week - Mel

  6. I am very lucky I can visit the murals and I do! Don't take them for granted, Eric is so talented and what a great guy!

    Love your house Lauren, it's beautiful.

    Have a great time at Sauder.


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