Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Change is in the Air ~

It used to be daylight when I got up in the morning
to take the dog out.
Now it is dark.
It used to be daylight at 9pm.
Now it is dark.
The crickets are getting louder each day.
I think fall is in the air
even though our temperatures
have been extremely warm and humid.
I wouldn't mind fall
if spring followed in
its footsteps ;-)
It has been so dry this summer ~
not that it is unusual.
My grass in brown and crunchy.
I've made an effort
to keep the birdbath
clean and filled with fresh water daily.
Here's a robin
enjoying a bath.

I must have bought purple morning glory seeds
instead of the blue that I dearly love.
The flowers almost
seem to glow.
Last year I moved my butterfly bush
to a sunnier location.
The butterflies are happy
and I swear the bugs are, too.
Something has been munching on the leaves
all summer.
I hope all is well
in your little corner of the world.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your gardens are beautiful. I still need to find a birdbath that works in my new area. Was looking at the fake rock ones.


  2. I'm welcoming Autumn with open arms!!! We had a humid and hot summer and our grass and some trees are all brown and done for... hoping to get a good soaking rain tonight. Your garden is looking good! I like those bottle trees too!

  3. I love the glow of the morning glory. My part of Maryland is scorched with dryness!! I welcome a good hard rain or a gentle one for a week! Love your garden. (Moments in Time)

  4. BEautiful pics! We have had so much humidity too, but lately we have at least been getting a lot of rain so things aren't so crunchy. I'm looking forward to the fall weather but still want that sun shining brightly with some warmth in the air! Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

  5. We finally got a small rain here in PA and the grass is again green.
    I love fall, but hate to see the days getting shorter. Can't we keep the long days and just have cooler temps??? Oh, I can dream!
    Your garden is lovely. I'm sure the birds appreciate the daily filling of the birdbath. It must be hard to find water when it gets so dry.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)