Saturday, August 14, 2010

Melting ~

I think the girls are melting today and I am not far behind!
Here's Loocie on the (ugly) kitchen floor.
Underneath that flooring is hardwood that will one day be exposed :-)
Eema and Loocie (in front)
on the side porch.
A close-up of Loocie ~
just because she is so darned cute!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I hope you are staying cooler than I am.
I know that in a few months
I'll be longing for these dogs days of summer.
Pug hugs :)


  1. oh Lauren--how cute are they laying together on the porch??? It's FINALLY cooled off here in MD. I now have the ambition to work on my punch needle rug ( a peacock--I'll share when it's got some progress) It was just too darn hot to be fooling with WOOL!!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Oh, they are adorable in their matching red harnesses!
    Yuck, another wave of hot air is coming our way again, I guess! I am so tired of sweltering.

  3. Oh they are so sweet. My Millie was in the same position today - sprawled out like a wet noodle! Lol. Days like this she gets ice cubes in the water dish. I am not looking forward to winter, but some nice fall days are coming. I'm tired of melting too.

  4. Poor babies! They sure are cute Lauren. My mom had a pug when we were little. Love their matching red harnesses too!

  5. They are pretty cute. The weather here has been so wonderful I hate to tell you about it, but I will ha.
    light blanket at night. Sweatshirt in the mornings. and warm breezy days. I got some things done but now I am saying its to nice to be inside cleaning I always have an excuse.
    Cooler days are coming for you I hope. I hate being so hot you can't move.


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