Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My New Office Mate ~

I recently moved to a new department in the city where I work and I'd like to introduce my new co-worker, Sam, the resident mouser. He has been in the department for about a year and a half, and before Sam started working here, there was a problem with "other" four-legged creatures. Sam has taken care of that and for that I thank him! He has the run of the building and greets us every morning ~ very vocally ~ until he gets his morning treat of lunch meat. His current culinary favorite is deli ham.

Sam is a typical cat and pretty much goes where he pleases!
Occasionally, I have to gently remove him from my chair so I can get some work done!

Here he is getting sleepy.....
....it's hard work being a mouser.
Now I know you will all feel bad for me. In moving to the new department, I doubled my commute time to work. Instead of taking 4-5 minutes to drive to work, it now takes me 9-10 minutes. {Okay. I'm very lucky and I know it!!!}
Thank you so much for dropping by and I hope you will come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. That's my kind of co-worker! Literally, I groom at home and have two cats that greet my dogs! My clients think it's great to have the cats come up to the door. They have no fear of dogs as I have three Mastiffs... Your new friend is beautiful! Sorry for the long commute, I think I have you though, Mines down stairs to the left!
    Take him some catnip!

  2. Hi Lauren,
    How did you get such a handsome guy for an office mate? I'm jealous!!! He looks positively silvery in the pictures!
    And he has good taste! Only the best, deli ham!!! LOL!
    Beware! They can sink their claws into your heart. He may turn you into a 'cat person'!

  3. I'd love to work somewhere where you had animals around....that would be so awesome! Lucky you!

  4. Sam is a cutie! I am sure you all appreciate his efforts to keep the office free of pests.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!


  5. Oh Lauren - you are almost making me homesick for my last few jobs - Years ago at a place I was at for over 10 years we had a resident cat (who had kittens and we kept one) and dogs too - It was such a "stress reliever" to be able to talk to them at times! Last place I was at for over 10 years anyone could bring in their animals anytime they wanted - and it was always fun to see "who" was helping out that day!

    Oh and about your commute - I do hope you have books on tape or something for that "long" drive!

  6. What a little cutie patootie that Sam is! Keep him on the payroll for sure! Enjoy that longer commute! It'll help you unwind having a little more drive time! :)) Cathy G

  7. Now that's a great co-worker! Friendly and productive! :-)

  8. How nice! I love going to businesses that have animals. It just calms you and lowers your blood pressure.

  9. Love your new partner at work. The best kind!!!! No conflicts there. Everyone in the Wash. DC area envies your commute time. Have a wonderful day. (Moments in Time)

  10. Lauren--I am so jealous-- what a handsome coworker you have!! And that stunning grey hair and green eyes--swoon!!!

  11. I love your new office mate. I'll bet your co-worker keeps you in good company! And you have a very envious commute time!! Leaves more time for hooking though!! :o)

  12. I work only 5 miles from my work. country road no traffic lights in sight. It is wonderful.
    Love your coworker. I had a mouse encounter last night. yikes.


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