Thursday, June 10, 2010

I hope my frogs can read ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ because I've gotten them a frog hut!

I've read that if I blend up some yogurt and moss and put it on the hut, it will start to grow moss of its own. I was also told that yogurt alone would do the trick. I bought the yogurt, now just need to do it.

The frog hut was purchased a couple weeks ago at a great antique/primitive sale that my hooker friend Karin told me about. I got there about an hour after the sale started and found out after the fact that you really need to be there when the doors open to find the real treasures. She said it is wall to wall people at that time, but by the time I arrived, the crowd had thinned. Of course I still managed to pick up a few things.
Here's a piece from an old overshot coverlet I purchased...
...and a great little brown crock. I also picked up a couple 48 star American flags to add to my collection.
LUCKY ME!!! I won a give-away from Pat at Hook, Hand and Heart. Pat is probably the most talented lady I have met in blogland. She is an amazing hooker, dyes the most incredible wool, weaves, is a former designer of cross stitch samplers, and who knows what else. This dish towel was woven by Pat. It's cotton and butter soft. It feels so good to the touch. It is much too beautiful to be used as a lowly dish towel! The soap is another creation of hers. I can't wait to try it. Please stop by her blog. She always has something interesting to say! Thank you so much Pat!!!
Here's a recent picture of Eema. She looks so grey in this picture! She is as sweet as ever.
The bugs have returned to northern Ohio. The lake flies (aka sand flies and what I call midgies) have been around for a couple of weeks. Today's hatch was larger size-wise than normal. AND...the first of the Canadian soldiers were out today. Oh, the joys of living near Lake Erie!
It was a gorgeous day here on Ohio's north coast. Rather than doing some much needed yard work, I picked up my grandson Jake and took him swimming. He doesn't know how to swim yet, but has no fear. I can't take my eye off of him for a second. Of course I had forgotten my camera :(
That's it for today. Thank you so much for stopping by and please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Great frog hut and coverlet. Eema looks a little bored... maybe she needs a frog to chase around? LOL! ;-) Have a great day!

  2. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for the kind comments!

    Eema is so adorable! Who could resist that face and those eyes? What a dear little girl!

    Interesting about the yogurt and moss. I've never heard of that. Please let us know if it works.

  3. Thanks for the warning about the lake bugs!! Part of the joys of living at 'the lake'!!! Oh, yes ~ your WeaverPat bounty is a good thing ~ you were the perfect person to win!! Where was the antique show? We don't follow them like we used to but looks like you did well, even if you were a little late!!

  4. I have never heard of a frog hut. If it attracts frogs, my daughter would be in heaven. She's obsessed with them. Love the coverlet you purchased and congratulations on winning the giveaway. Emma has such a pretty face - makes you just want to give her a kiss.

  5. I love that little frog hut. I wonder if the frogs will actually use it? You'll have to keep us updated on that. I'm still so psyched over the towel and soap I won from Pat's give-away too......we are the luckiest girls!!
    Canadian soldiers? By any chance are you referring to mosquitos? I've never heard them called that before......or am I way off? In any case I hope the bugs don't drive you nuts this summer. They aren't too bad here yet. In our neighbor state MN they call them their state bird! Love your cutest ever Pug.....just begging to be hugged! Cathy G

  6. I didn't quite know what to expect with the title of this post - too cute - curious if the yogurt works? Interesting!

    Pat is talented isn't she and the coverlet is wonderful!

  7. Hey Lauren...interesting about the frog hut...will be looking forward to seeing how it works out. Love your finds! precious is she!

  8. The frog hut is CUTE!! Yogurt & moss does work!! I've also heard that beer will work.
    Ms. EEma is adorable as always!!
    It boggles the mind that anyone could abuse such a sweet face as that

  9. Good afternoon Lauren...well I learned A LONG TIME AGO...if I take the time to go to a craft show, flea market, whatever...I go the very first thing or forget it....BUT YOU FOUND SOME TREASURES! Love the crock...I like the 'piece' of woven throw just as it is over the chair - looks great there.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)