Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday I spent a few hours working in the gardens.
It was so hot and humid I thought I was going to melt :)
Today is cooler but the humidity
is still very high.
If it dries up, I will hopefully get some more work done.
It's a never ending job, isn't it?
I thought I'd share a few blooms from the gardens.
I wish I was a better photographer to capture the true beauty.
Perhaps in my next lifetime.....sigh.

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful! Love all your pretty blooms! The hot humid weather is BAD!!!! I was going to go to Quail Crest yesterday but, decided not to because of the weather. I'm hoping the sun will shine here today.

  2. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing your lovely garden pics. What is the plant with the white flowers and the little tiny round buds?
    Not having flowers at our place, I certainly appreciate the work that goes into creating such a lovely setting!

  3. Lauren,
    Beautiful flowers, its hot here too!, hard to get motivated to garden when its so hot, we've had quite a bit of rain too, so things are really growning like crazy. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You did a fantastic job of capturing the beauty of your blooms! Lovely! Cathy G

  5. Thanks for the little stroll through your gardens. You have a beautiful variety of blooms. I've got some new pics on the camera awaiting downloading. I hope they turn out as lovely as yours.

  6. Absolutely beautiful Lauren. So much work but Oh! the rewards. I love your posted pictures of Eema! She is irrestible. (Moments in Time)

  7. Afternoon Lauren...your photos of your flowers are gorgeous...don't think you could get them much better - they're lifelike.
    Wonderful color too!

  8. Wow, your photo's are wonderful. You don't give yourself enough credit! Now can you come over and take care of my flowers? I don't have that many, and this weather is really taking a toll on them.

  9. I think that your pictures are all wonderful. Our weather has been so crazy around here - miserable yesterday with heat and humidity - that my flowers are just beginning to show some signs of popping out!

  10. You and your camera take great pictures, Lauren! And it was hot at the lake ~ 92 degrees on our thermometer!!!!!

  11. Wow! Give yourself some credit! There wonderful. You did a magnificent job.

  12. Your flowers are gorgeous!! I'm HATING this hot humid weather!! Why do I always have the most intense hot flashes when it's already hotter then the surface of the sun outside??


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)