Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Gardens at Kingwood Center

As I mentioned in a previous post, Kingwood Center is a 47 acre former estate located in Mansfield, Ohio, that has been open to the public since 1953. I spent most of my time at the hook-in, but did manage to see a few of the gardens. Notice that the manor house has 6 chimneys. I hope to return soon to take a tour.

I love the detail of the brick work on the wall.

A few pictures of the gardens.

Espalier ~ A tree or shrub trained to grow horizontally against a wall.
In the greenhouse.

If you are ever in central Ohio, a stop at Kingwood is a must.
Thank you for stopping by and please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is just beautiful! Reminds me of the estates in England. My sister used to live in Columbus. I'll have to ask her if she ever took the tour.

    Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos!

  2. I have been visiting Kingwood for years. I used to work down the street and I would eat my lunch there. They offer classes also. I've taken several clsses at Christmas time. Making evergreen arrangements and wreaths. It too bad they had to start charging to get in. Thanks for sharing your pictures, they're beautiful.

  3. Wow! What a beautiful place! I can see why you want to go back some day!

    Thank you for sharing the pictures with us!


  4. Wow, just gorgeous. Looks like such a peaceful, tranquil spot to walk through.
    Thanks, Kim

  5. That looks like such a beautiful place. Maybe I can visit someday when the kids are off on their own. A place like that would drive them nuts, but would make me very happy to walk through!

  6. I have never heard of this place but so happy you showed it to us!
    IT'S FANTASTIC...thank you


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