Thursday, June 24, 2010

More Rugs ~ ~ ~

I took many, many pictures of the rugs at the Kingwood hook-in last Saturday, but many did not turn out too well. Alice said most of her pictures did not come out either. I guess we were both having a bad picture day. I thought I would share the best of them with you.

It was hard to believe this rug was not antique. I'm pretty sure it was hooked by Katie Allman, our hostest with the mostest.

I still have a few of the vintage/antique rugs that were displayed to show you and give you a mini tour of the beautiful gardens at Kingwood.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already and we are almost in to July. ARGH! Where is the summer going?
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren! I'm back!!! Thanks for a wonderful virtual rug show. I know my favorite is the dogs chasing the deer! And amazingly, lots of the rugs look like antiques. Great hooking. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
    xo, Sheri

  2. I just love the one with the dogs chasing the deer....I guess it's a "hound" thing :)

  3. Hi Lauren ~ it must be the lighting in that room ~ but your pix are better than most of mine! Summer is going way too fast for me, too!

  4. Gorgeous rugs! Very difficult to pick a favorite! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. All those rugs are wonderful. I saw some on Alice's site too. Seeing all these pictures makes me want to start hooking again. Maybe when it cools down a little - something about wool and warm weather doesn't agree with me. But those rugs are really an inspiration.

  6. Great rugs must have been so fun to wander around and look at them - thanks for sharing the rug show with us!

  7. I adore that Quilt Show rug with all the sheep. Is it really a hooked rug? I've never seen anything like that before. Thanks for sharing all the pictures!

  8. Lauren,
    Thanks for more rugs from the show. I loved the last one you showed. How cute. Am almost finished with my version of that antique rug with the morning glory that Carol hooked. Just a few more rounds of the border and that's it.

  9. love love love them! My favorite is the chicken rug no matter how you look one is always up side down.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)