Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How much fun can fifty cents buy?

When you are five, a whole evening's worth!!! I found this pair of "goo goo eyes" at a garage sale for fifty cents. My grandson Jake had so much fun with them. He even tried them on Eema, but not having a snout, it didn't work for a second.
Make sure you hold your tongue correctly!
Here's the last of my pictures from the hook-in at Kingwood Center. These are vintage rugs. I love this one. It would be a fun one to hook.

Last Sunday, Eema and I attended a dog event to promote adoption and spread the word about Ohio Pug Rescue. Here she is with Okie in the x-pen. Okie is a few pounds heavier than Eema, but not nearly as big as he looks in the picture.
Thank you to everyone who drops by my blog. I really do appreciate you taking the time to visit and I enjoy each and every comment that is left.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Eema and Okie look like they are having a nice visit with each other. I hope seeing them encourages some good caring people to adopt a delightful companion.

    Hahaha!! The goo goo eyes are too funny!!!

    Thanks for the pictures of the lovely vintage rugs. That must have been a wonderful event to attend!

  2. Ahhhh... to be a kid again... 50 cents can't buy much wool!!! LOL! Jake looks like an awesome kid! I think I'll try a version of that floral hit n miss rug too! Thanks for the inspiration! Hopefully, most if not all of those pugs were adopted by the end of that day... hugs...

  3. Jake is having a blast with those eyes. I love those old fashioned type toys. But I'm guessing Eema wasn't quite as impressed with them!

  4. Ha! I love the googley eyes--my grandaughter also has loads of fun with the little goodies I find at garage sales and the Goodwill.

  5. Googley eyes sure can be fun and looks like Jake loved them!
    Eema and Okie look adorable out in the sunshine.
    Have a wonderful week....

  6. The rugs are gorgeous!!
    It's amazing what will amuse a 5 year old boy--LOLOLOL

    Ms. Eema looks so cute with her buddy!!

  7. Those pictures of your grandson are so great. I always have to laugh at how much kids use their tongues when they're doing things.

    Those rugs are gorgeous too. I really need to get back to mine.

  8. The rugs are beautiful as always. your gandson cracked me up. What a wonderful sense of fun kids have and we as adults lose. your never to old to enjoy googly eyes.

  9. Hello Lauren! Well, I think you got your money's worth! Jake looks like he is enjoying his gift! Oh, to be a kid again..my husband would be thrilled if I was happy with fifty cents! (: Enjoy your holiday weekend! Oh! and the rugs are wonderful!


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