As usual, a whole lottta nuthin' 😁
I have finished labeling my rugs from 2021. Thankfully I have my blog to check what year I hooked a rug.
I have started binding The Poser . . .
Even though we had snow at the beginning of the week, we did not go in to a deep freeze so the daffodils and hyacinth survived. I mowed the yard today with a winter coat and gloves. Tomorrow we will be in the 70's!
I am heading to rug camp in West (by God) Virginia in a couple of weeks. I hope to make contact with one of my college roommates who lives just a couple hours away. It will be wonderful if we can meet somewhere in the middle. It has been far too long since I have seen her. I need to quickly put something on the frame to gift her. I have gone to my stash and think I have chosen a small mat that I should be able to finish. Time will tell . . . sigh. Leave it to me to wait until the last minute. Hopefully I will have something to share soon.
Remember last month I reminded all my female readers to get their mammogram? Well, my mammos have come back fine since 2010 (when I had my last biopsy). This time, they wanted a recheck and possible ultrasound, on the right boob instead of the left. The waiting is always stressful. I had my appointments this week, and all appears good though they want to recheck in six months. I can breathe again.
Now I hope this is a joke, but not sure if it is. WTH??? The caption said it was men's fashion that was presented in Paris.
Sadly, that's all I have 😞
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊