Sunday, September 10, 2017

Woolkeeper's Hook In ~

Two friends and I drove to Danville, IN, for the Woolkeeper's Hook In, a first for us.  685 miles in two days but so worth it.  It's amazing to go almost 350 miles from home and know so many people :)  Excellent vendors.  Wool heaven.  Here are a few of the vendor booths.
Red Barn Rugs
Pure and Simple Woolens
gorgeous overdyed wools
Black Sheep Wool Designs
I love the name of this rug ~ El Stinko.  There was even a poem to go with it :)
Folk for All Seasons

The Old Tattered Flag
Heavens to Betsy

Whispering Pines Designs
I took a fun class with Elinor Barrett of Black Sheep Wool Designs, called "start with a heart".  There were many choices of hearts and templates to work with and from there we designed a "Magdalena style" rug.  Here is what I came up with.  I think it has the Ernestine seal of approval.
A heart hooked by Elinor.  I just love this!  Elinor let me know this was hooked by Nola Heidbreder.  Sorry, Nola.
I really was pretty good.  I bought some wool (how could I not?) and a couple patterns.  I will add them to my ever growing pattern stash.
A picture of Ernestine today ~ just because she is so darn cute.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)



  1. Oh she is so cute. Those booths are holding lots of good stuff. And I won't drive 50 miles to a shop, so ashamed.

  2. Dear Lauren, I can see you're spending your retirement in style. All I've been doing lately is being a Wool Keeper and keeping up with new calves but they don't even have wool. I'm in the wrong business... I'm hoarding wool in my closet and raising calves. Something terribly wrong here...
    Love, Julia

  3. looks like a great event! happy yuou're home safe & that sweet little pug-face! <3

  4. Ernestine is a peach...give her a big smooch from me ok? for sure I'm going to the show next year...Red Barn Rugs booth blows me the big rugs...thanks for sharing!

  5. I'd say you were very good as I saw lots of temptation there. I have the same Betsy sheep pattern to hook also. Ernestine is a sweetie and chuckle about how she got her name.

  6. What a fun weekend! All the greats in one place. :) Earnestine is just so cute. I love that little face.
    Aw hooking how I miss you. :) I am glad you keep spurring me on. You really do keep me motivated.Have a wonderful week.

  7. What fun! Thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Ernestine was looking for her picture on that rug.

  8. Hi Lauren, It was so nice to meet you in person and I enjoyed visiting with you and Linda! Thanks for taking the class. I love the design of your rug. One small note regarding the hooked heart image: Nola Heidbreder hooked it so I want to be sure she gets the credit. I thought it was a perfect example of a primitive heart! I hope to see you at ATHA next month. Cheers, Elinor

  9. Cannot wait to see your new rug finished. I was able to pull a few loops on mine yesterday. Felt good since working on the show for months. Those rugs are amazing and El Stinko made me smile. Janice

  10. Hi Lauren,
    What beautiful displays and I can only imagine how hard it was not to leave with more! The skunk rug cracked me up and believe it or not, I was actually sprayed by one when I was little!! My mom heard me calling, "here, kitty, kitty" and realized it WASN'T a kitty when she smelled the odor! I got my first spa bath with tomato juice!! I sure did learn the difference between a skunk and a kitty that day!! lol
    Ernestine is just so adorable, too!!!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Heart Hugs~


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