Wednesday, September 6, 2017

One Year Ago ~

Time is flying by.  I can't believe I retired a year ago today.  Where has the time gone?  I don't understand people saying they are bored.  They need to get a hobby.  Volunteer.  Anything.  I haven't been bored a day and wish there were more hours in the day or less hours spent sleeping.
I have kept busy.  (Most days, too busy.)  Two trips to California ~ one a three and a half week road trip west and the other by jet.  A few days in Chicago.  Several quick trips to Michigan.  Five days of hooking heaven in West Virginia.  A couple other hooking classes.  LOTS more hooking time with friends.  Guild meetings.  Hook ins.  This Friday and Saturday I will be attending the Woolkeeper's Hook In in Danville, Indiana.  There are several places where I will be vending in the next two months, so busy getting ready for those shows.  Never a dull moment.
Retirement may not be right for everyone, but it sure was right for me :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congratulations you busy hooker you ❤️🤓🐝

  2. I've been retired for six years, and I am never ever bored! In fact, I find there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I want...

  3. I totally concur with you about retirement!! Never a dull moment...sometimes wish there ....but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Glad you continue to live it.

  4. No moss is growing under your feet girl. I can see you're a busy retiree and enjoying every minute of it... Me I'm more like retarded, I'm just tired of not being retired, lol. I'm hoping, one more year.

    I think I could keep busy with many hobbies but not travelling as much as you do. When I retire, I'll probably gain weight. Lol... We never know what destiny has for us.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. I am sooooo jealous!!!!! I can not wait! I had someone in my store this week that had
    retired in the past couple of years. I said I can not wait she said oh you will get a job I hate it! how oh how can a job be your life. I have to much living and my job is holding me back.

  6. Good grief woman! You have been in a whirl-spin this last year. Can't believe you worried about retirement and making things work out. Glad this last year has been good and bet next year will be better.

  7. Shucks...was hoping to see you at Holly this weekend. Hope you have fun in Indy though. I cannot wait to retire...a few years yet though for me. :-(

  8. I heard the story of being bored when I retired in 2009 and thought it was hilarious. As a quilter I have made more than 100 quilts...most for donation. Then I learned to rug hook and quilting got left behind. Still not bored!

  9. You are good busy though. I heard a couple of people talking about it yesterday and I just wanted to scream. They needed a hobby! I have never been bored a day in my life either. I like reading about all that you have done in one year. That is just amazing. You go girl!!

  10. I'm with you. Three years this month for me and I have loved every minute.

  11. Agreed Lauren, I do not understand those who are retired with nothing to do. It is so sad. My bucket list overflows with stuff that I want to do. Actually, I have 2 bucket lists, or
    should I say my BL has a BL.
    Enjoy and have fun for the rest of the week friend.
    Peace for all especially those in Irma's way, Barb

  12. Congrats on your one year anniversary! :-)

  13. Can't believe it's been a year! So glad you are enjoying retirement.

  14. Hi Lauren,
    Congratulations on your one year anniversary!! So happy you are enjoying each and every moment!!! How is the house project coming along?
    Enjoy your Sunday!
    Heart Hugs~

  15. I suspect those who say retirement is boring built most of their life around the job. It sounds like you've been very busy being not bored.


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