Saturday, June 3, 2017

In Progress ~

I typically have one, maybe two hooked projects at a time.  Well . . . I have three in the works.  I have not taken Proud Lion out of the bag since my class in March and it's a biggie.  Here he is.
Horse by Winter Cottage is getting close.  I need to redraw the corners and I'm stumped on what colors I want to use.  There is so little color in the rug and I don't want anything dramatic.  I think I'll get some help with the planning on Monday night.

Since I've set Horse aside, I started back up on my Cedar Lakes rug that was started in a class with Cathy Stephan of Red Barn Rugs.  I've made a little progress and hope to get lots more hooked soon.
I am also binding my Scrappy Crosses rug, an antique adaptation by Polly Minick.  Since I (along with most of you hookers) despise binding, I am trying to spend 20-30 minutes a day on it.  I'm getting close.  It's the largest rug I've hooked to date at 30 1/2" x 45".
We've had several gorgeous days here on Ohio's north coast.  I've finally gotten back to yard work.  The gardens look great from a distance - lush and full, but close up they definitely need attention!  The joys of home ownership.  There is always something that needs done. 
Thank you so much for all the kind comments on my last post.  You all make it worthwhile.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your rugs, and I love that proud lion rug. Your binding is wonderful. That looks so nice and neat. I don't think mine ever looks that nice. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I am so glad your weather is nice. I think June is off to a wonderful start. Have a nice day you busy hooker. :)

  2. LAUREN, Your hooking looks so beautiful as is your binding ... so neat and trim. Hope to start another small project soon and this time on linen. We are having 90+ weather with much wind. Can't really enjoy the out doors. Good reason to stay in and ponder what is next??

  3. So many rugs in the works, how do yo make sure you don't run out of a particular color? It's a dumb question since you have so much wool. I notice that you like brown. So for the corners of that horse one I would probably use the same brown as the horse and the lighter color for those three petals. I know nothing about primitive rugs so don't take my opinion seriously.

    Have a great weekend.
    Smiles & hugs

  4. Such great rugs! we have not seen the sun in some time cold and rainy.

  5. As much as I love your rugs I have to say the absolute neatness of the binding is what caught my attention in this post. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Goodness, between your rug list and mine I'm exhausted just thinking about how much time it will take us to finish each. Don't think I've ever had this many in line before.

    You sure do have a nice sharp mitered corner going there on your crosses rug gurl.

  7. Love the lion rug! He is so folky! I've been putting grass plugs in the bald spots in our yard. It's dirty work, but I enjoy it and the accompanying birdsong. My lawn service guys get a kick out of it!
    Enjoy your Sunday,

  8. there is a certain pleasure in having a choice on what to work on each day...I always have more than one rug going at a time...wishing I had another Talon frame (or 2)so I could flit form rug to have some great rugs to choose from!

  9. Love all of your rugs in progress, Lauren. Lori

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I just love all of your rugs and what fun to be able to go from one to the other!! I sure miss hooking but am happy I can enjoy it through you! I can just imagine your hook is smokin!! Is your binding wool? It looks so perfect!!
    Hope those gorgeous days continue! We are at 107 for the next 5 days!!! Staying in where it is cool!!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  11. They are all beautiful rugs and I love the binding, such a nice way to finish them off. I always whipstitch and I would like to do nicer finishes.


  12. Love ur mats,,, in all their stages!! Great patterns and colors!! I also have 3 or more on the go,,, nice to have a choice,,, but,,, then they take awhile to finish! And need to start another one,,,, as in deadline!! Thanks for sharing,,,,

  13. Good morning, Lauren. You do such beautiful work. SMILE I love Mr. Lion, but the colors in your horse really catch my eye. And I agree, that is one very exact corner!! I should have you bind my quilts. LOL

    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Wonderful rugs, each and every one . Love your finishing like everyone else. Glad to see that someone else doesn't like whipping!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)