Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Eight Years Ago ~

Welcome friends!  Can you believe?
May 31, 2009 ~ the date of my first blog post
547, 403 page views to date
Post # 1192
Followers?  Before the number once again disappeared, I had 373.
It warms the cockles of my heart to know that you still take time out of your busy day to read my blah, blah, blah.  I appreciate it more than you will ever know.  Thank you so much :)  I know blogging is dying a slow (or maybe not so slow) death, but I have no plans to stop.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Here is the wonderful Chinese auction item I won at the recent hook in.  The impeccable work of Lanna Omlor, sister of Lori Ann Corelis.  She made one at a class with Lori Ann and had enough supplies to make another which she so generously donated as an auction item.  That family is sure loaded with talent. 

Look at the sweet mohair mouse munching on the strawberry.

I also forgot to share this pattern that came home with me from Cedar Lakes rug camp.  The pattern is by Red Barn Rugs.  It is the rug with the hooked border that looks like braiding.  We'll see if I ever get brave enough to tackle that.
Also some of the wool that came home with me from rug camp, some purchased from Heavens to Betsy at the hook in and some from my Monday night hooking.  I think all hookers are addicted to wool.  I have more than I can use in three lifetimes, but that doesn't stop me from purchasing more.  We never have the right color, do we?
Thanks so much for stopping by.  A perfect day here in Ohio.  Getting a bit of edging done by the sidewalk, drive and along the curb.  One of my least favorite outdoor tasks.  Hopefully I will get it done tomorrow so I can start edging the gardens. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,
    You sure are blessed to be able to attend so many fun hook-ins! Love your strawberry and tiny mouse, rug pattern and wool.
    I don't post as often as I should on my blog but I don't plan to get rid of mine either. Congrats on another year! I love your blah, blah blah! :-) Lori

  2. We're lucky that you're so faithful in your blogging - I always come away with new ideas from reading your posts! Yummy goodies you got at the hook-in - they're always so much fun!

  3. Wow, you do have a lot of followers as compared to me. I love all the wool you brought home. You can never have all the color you need, that's true...

    Love, love that strawberry with that hungry little mouse. Just so cute. I'm not sure I would attempt braiding the edge of hat rug. Looking forward to see what you will do.

    Edging is a tedious job and I have to do it to sometime next week.

    Smiles and hugs,

  4. Sincere congrats Lauren, you have been generous with your talent and I've so very much enjoyed your posts since day one:) xo

  5. That mohair mouse is awesome and can't even imagine how tedious stitching and stuffing must have been to complete that guy. Congrats on you great numbers of followers. I cannot remember when I started blogging and keep forgetting to check.

    Am so happy you are here and still blogging when so many have left. I'm still reading and still commenting.

  6. That is a wonderful piece and fun one to win. Great pattern and wools. I don't need wool, but you know if we stop in a place that has it, we cannot resist;)


  7. That is wonderful. To have one something like that. Your rug pattern is great too. Also, I am not going to quit either. I like the personal aspect of blogging. Congrats on your milestone too.
    Have a wonderful evening!

  8. Love that berry. Hookers and wool, stitchers and linen. Will we ever stop?

  9. That is one sweet strawberry !
    Glad you're blogging, Lauren. Looks to be another great day for working outside !

  10. Well happy Anniversary and I for one am very happy you have no plans to stop. Love your strawberry so sweet. Wool Oh wool how much I have and how much I lust after more.
    We have had so much rain that the mosquitos are the size of a crow and will carry you off it you get out in the garden.

  11. Wow! Thats awesome! Keep going,,, going,,, enjoy following,,, love that pattern,,, so pretty! Thanks for sharing,,,,

  12. Good morning, Lauren. I love your blah, blah, blah!! LOL Happy anniversary and thank you for sharing a tiny bit of your life. I can't wait for the next eight years.

    Do we ever have enough stash? You are a funny lady...absolutely not!! They make more, I collect more! LOL

  13. What a great piece to win..that little mouse is adorable...oh the wool...yes, yes...keep on chattering to us!

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I can't believe your stats!!!! 1192 POSTS!!!!!
    BIG CONGRATS, my friend!!! It has been a pleasure and an honor to follow you and read each and every "blah, blah, blah!" I am learned much and we even got to meet in person!!! Thanks for making that happen!!
    LOVE your sweet little berry and mouse!! What a sweet treasure!! The new rug pattern is wonderful and the wool...........SWOON!!!
    Thanks for a great post.....again, and hope you have a wonderful week!
    Heart Hugs~

  15. OMGosh, I am so happy for you. Winning the chinese auction was awesome, and the rug pattern is so great. Oh yes, then all that wool ... WOW! Are you doing that happy dance too? Thanks for sharing and please keep on 'Blogging'. I enjoy visiting.
    Have a great weekend with lots of Folk Art Hugs and Peace for all,

  16. Congrats on winning that gorgeous pinkeep! I not only agree with you about blogging... I can honestly say that I follow too many blogs to have any time left for any other social media? lol! After all... a gals' gott a leave the house once in awhile to experience hook-in's, radio shows, car shows, antiqueing, quilt shows (and stores), garden centers... :-) You did good on the wool and pattern purchases too! :-)

  17. Love your Strawberry with the little mohair mouse !!! The rug pattern is really pretty , the border looks neat , how do you make it look braided ??? Can't wait to see yours !!! We are finally seeing the Sun two days in a row here in New England !!!!! Enjoy playing in the dirt !!!

  18. Happy belated blogiversary! I love Lori Ann Corelis, and yes, her sister is talented too! Love that strawberry with its little mouse. Adorable! Great new pattern and wool stash too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)