Friday, May 26, 2017

Western Reserve Hook In ~

Welcome, dear friends.  As we approach this Memorial Day holiday, remember why we are celebrating.  Never forget the sacrifices so many have made so that we may be living free in this great Land of ours.
~ God Bless America ~

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Last Saturday our ATHA guild, Western Reserve Rug Hookers, put on their annual hook in.  Kudos to the committee.  Everything was first class.  200 hookers, fun vendors (including yours truly), food galore, great door prizes and raffles.  Truly Hookers' Heaven :)
Friend Melissa and I shared a booth, selling mostly jewelry.

Some of the other vendor booths.

The rug show ~ ~ ~

I was so lucky!  I won the most wonderful item in the Chinese auction.  I forgot to take a picture and will share it with you later.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, thanks for showing so many beautiful rugs. It really gets the juices going but I'm so strap for hooking time lately...
    Truly a creative paradise for rugs.
    Thanks for doing this again and again.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Oops, I misspelled Valpolicella wine.

  3. wonderful rugs but you didn't say if you did well at he show with your wares.

  4. So many wonderful rugs hooked by talented folks. The ones which caught my attention was...of course, the WINE rug, Old Glory, and those delightfully wonderful hooked feathers.

  5. Drool, drool, and more drool. I'm not a hooker, but give me a nice piece of wool to back one of my punch needles...sigh. I could spend hours just looking. Well, not really, I would be fondling, too. LOL

    It is amazing how one medium can go from a silly subject, then to an elegant subject, and every single one is so amazing!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Creativity at its best...and I really wish there was a place near me that sold wool in all of those wonderful colors. Hope you have a great weekend, and yes remember those who sacrificed so that we are free. Janice

  7. A big thank you to those that serve to keep us free.

    Great rugs.

  8. Fabulous rugs !
    I hope you and your friend did well at your table.
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend, Lauren.

  9. Oh MY! Whenever I experience a show like that, I have a really hard time sleeping for several nights because my brain has been SO stimulated by all the colors and designs and people! Looks like it was a wonderful time for all!

  10. I've been enjoying all the eye candy in your posts! Wow! Looks like such a fun time!


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