Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Rug Show ~

SO MUCH talent at the rug show at Cedar Lakes rug retreat.  I managed to take pictures of most of the rugs but may have missed a few. 

The background on the above rug was so interesting.

 One of my favorite rugs.

Have you heard of the Orphan Train?  I had not.  From Wikipedia ~ "The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, or homeless children."  You can read more about it here.

The Gleaner.  Hooked by my teacher, Cathy Stephan.  Hard to get a good picture since it was flat on a table.

I wish the color had come out better in this picture.  I am considering it for a class next year.  Pattern by Maggie Bonanomi.

This was a really cool idea for a worm separator.  If you're as old as I am, you will remember that coffee was purchased in tins and the lids had to be removed with keys.  Six old coffee tins were screwed together and a handle added.  I may be on the lookout for some :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Oh my!!! What wonderful rugs and so many styles to choose from!! The 3 with the dressed up sheep and the "hooker" sheep really made me smile!! As to a favorite, I also loved your favorite, as well as The Gleaner! The worm holder is really cool as well!
    Hope you enjoy your week!!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. What a lot of beautiful rugs in one place. I love The Gleaner and that Orphan train. I had heard of the Orphan Train through some documentary a while back.

    A great idea to hold worms. I've ben using those little blue plastic containers that mushrooms comes in to hold my worms.

    Thanks again for taking the trouble of posting those rugs.

  3. So many rugs that I cannot even pick a favorite right now....as they are all so wonderful..and I do remember coffee being in cans like that. Do you remember them being in glass jars as well? Janice

  4. Beautiful rugs, love seeing them and the Orphan rug is gorgeous, what a beautiful rug to commemorate the historical event.


  5. beautiful rugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. So many wonderful rugs in one place! However the lack of cat rugs is surprising...LOL...that worm holder is my favorite sort of make do...

  7. Oh wow - lots of inspiration here !!!
    I need more hours in my day !

  8. As always Lauren wonderful rugs. I remember the coffee can thing yike I had forgotten about that. But what a wonderful idea!

  9. I had not heard of the Orphan Train, very interesting. Loved the rug show!! BTW, that background you admired is achieved by hooking on the back because what you are seeing as the background in the front is what the back would normally look like. That would not be suitable for a rug on the floor because of the raised loops on the back.

  10. Such a treat Lauren, thank you for the pictures. I have a thing for coffee tins. I always have. I think that would be a fantastic idea. So much incredible talent. Have a wonderful day.

  11. Oh my Goodness. So much to see and take in on one day. I am exhausted! Lucky you to have the opportunity to visit such an outstanding display of rugs. I think your favorite was mine too and the Gleaner.
    Enjoy the week...
    Folk Art Hugs with Peace,

  12. Wow ...some amazing rugs !!! The Gleaner , was my favorite.... Must be so much fun to see these in person ....thanks for sharing , very interesting.

  13. loved seeing the rug exhibit - so much talent! loved hearing about your Cedar Lakes experience. I hope to do a blog post too on my 3 day workshop. Your new project is wonderful ! Mel

  14. This exhibit was wonderful thank you so much for sharing the talent of all the hookers. I am partial to the ladies in the field. Great idea for the coffee tins for the worms.

  15. Great rug show. Your favorite is also mine. Did the Hooker of the Orphan Train have an ancestor that was on a train? Very interesting.

  16. Oh. My. Goodness. Each rug has it's own charm. Love the poppy, and the all flowers, and those sheep all dressed up? Made me smile.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us.

  17. Wow what talent !! The orphan train is my favorite. Hugs cheri

  18. Thanks so much for sharing these great photos. That's interesting about the orphan train...I never heard of it.


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