Saturday, March 4, 2017

Guild ~

Thursday was our monthly Western Reserve Rug Hookers guild meeting.  There was much discussion concerning the ATHA biennial which our guild is hosting this October.  We also had guest speaker, Connie Bradley of Wool Yankers.  I am lucky to hook with Connie on a weekly basis and will have a two day class with her next week.  More on that later. 
Lots of fun stuff at show and tell.  Friend Melissa appliqued this little stool at a recent Rebekah L. Smith class.  So sweet.

Some of the hooked pieces on display.

Hooked in a 3 cut, this piece was adapted from a photograph.  Stunning!

Bird nest on an old bed spring.

Some of you may be familiar with the Rebekah L. Smith mystery stitch-a-long challenge on Facebook in 2016.  This is Rebekah's piece.  In person, the colors are much more wonderful.  I participated in the challenge ~ well, only sort of since I completed just one month :(

I am still feeling lousy.  The sinuses are better, but I've got this annoying cough I can't shake.  There seems to be a lot of it going around and some have said it will stick around for a month.  UGH!  Yesterday I took a 4 hour nap and then slept 9 hours last night.  I guess my body's trying to tell me something, but I am trying to tell my body enough already.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Just love Melissa's foot stool applique. The #3 cut is awesome of course; I've done one #3 cut and NO MORE. Would loved to have seen that birds nest up close and personal.

    Hmmm, me thinks a wine piece might be in my future at some point.

  2. These are all so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. You poor dear, my daughter the chemist tells me that chewing on raw onion can stop a coughing spell. I tried it last bad cough I god and it helped.

    That 3 cut rug looks very beautiful but lordy, so much tedious hooking.
    Get well soon.

  4. The raw onion didn't do a thing for my spelling, lol...
    "the last bad cough I got"

  5. Hope you are back to hooking strength soon.

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Hope by this time you are back to your "chipper" self!! Love the stool and the rugs are lovely! That #3 cut is amazing, as is the birds next!! So clever!!
    Take care and enjoy your week, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  7. Great rugs...and I love the little stool that Melissa made...very, very sweet!!! Hope you feel better!

  8. I was wondering how you were doing. My son in law is sick with this same thing. He is so sick. I hope you feel better and it won't take you a month. I love all of the rugs you show us. Its always a treat.

  9. Beautiful rug show, enjoyed seeing them.
    I hope you start feeling better, Bill came home sick too, so I let him rest for one day;) I made him take D3, that really works.


  10. Thanks for sharing all the loveliness from your guild meeting. Beautiful stuff! Hope you are feeling better soon. I think the cough is always what hangs around the longest -- at least for me. It can be painful too! Feel better!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)