Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Even My Teeth Hurt ~

Yesterday I coughed all today.  This morning I woke up miserable.  My sinuses hurt to the touch and even my teeth hurt.  Sinus infection?  Thankfully I feel a little better tonight.
My first daffodils are blooming that I brought in the house the other day.  They are one of my favorites.  A sure sign of spring ~ only 19 more days :)

Progress on my rug.  Kind of boring.  Sorry.

My son finally made it back to LA about 20 hours later than planned.  I dropped him off at the airport at 3p yesterday for a 5p flight.  They finally cancelled the flight after 10p and put him up in a hotel.  There sure is nothing glamorous about flying.
Happy Fat Tuesday.  No paczkis for me today :(
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Ughhhh, sorry! Hopefully you're on the mend soon. Daffodils already is amazing. This must be unusually early for your area. The rug looks awesome

  2. So very sorry you are under the weather. Our first jonquils here in GA opened today. Glad your son had a safe trip. I enjoyed seeing your rug. Take care.

  3. So sorry you are no feeling well. It is in the wind for sure Husband has had a tough go of it.
    love your rug so sorry about the issues for your son.

  4. The cold that is going around is miserable and my teeth hurt too when I get sinus problems. I hope it is short lived and you start feeling better soon.


  5. Nothing boring about your work. Seems there were so many people with sinus infections this winter, maybe it's a bug that settles there. And it's miserable. Hope it leaves you soon.

  6. Hoping your feeling much better soon !
    Daffodils are the best - I like the really sweet little ones.

  7. Sorry you are under the weather. I used to get sinus infections yearly and it does hurt. Hope you bounce back SOON. Love you crosses mat and there's nothing boring about it at all.

  8. Dear Lauren, I feel bad about your sinus infection and cold getting you down. You are too nice a person to get sick.
    I hope those pretty daffodils cheer you up.

    I love how your rug is turning out, and I can see how the antique black outlines make the crosses pop and show their pretty colors.

  9. I'm glad your son made it back after all this waiting. You're right about "There's nothing glamorous about flying"

  10. Hope you woke up this morning feeling better, Lauren...glad your son made it home....love the rug!!

  11. I am so sorry you are not yourself. Its been going around too. I think that is what I had and It sure zapped me.
    I am glad your son made it back to L.A. safely. I really like your rug. I always enjoy seeing your rugs. I hope you feel better today.

  12. Hi Lauren,
    So sorry you were under the weather! I used to get THE WORST sinus infections when I lived in OH and MI so I can truly feel your pain!! Hope you are feeling better!! Flying can be SO STRESSFUL and I don't enjoy it any more! Your poor son really had quite the trip and I'm glad he finally made it home! Your rug looks wonderful and I love how the black really makes those crosses POP!! Take care friend, and enjoy those happy daffodils!!
    Heart Hugs~

  13. Are you feeling any better Lauren? Hugs

  14. Me too ... had to have antibiotics to get rid of it. The dry cough lingered for weeks. Even now I get that dry cough. Fortunately it did not settle in my chest. Hope you are feeling better. Glad son is back home safe and sound. Your rug us totally awesome.

    Folk Art Hugs and Peace for All,
    America could use it.


  15. Morning Lauren, oh so lucky to have Daffodils blooming, so pretty. Hope you feel better,Hugs Francine.


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